It would have been very difficult to predict a day when countries in the region which have been historically aligned with the US would find themselves under greater threat as a result of the ambiguity, confusion and contradictions in US policy around the so-called war on terrorism. While many countries are upgrading their national security and preparing for regional cross-border terrorism, US policy appears to be indifferent to the current risk of escalation on many fronts.
Since the crash of the Jordanian Air Force jet and the capture of its pilot by ISIS, there has been a direct conflict between Jordan and ISIS. While the crash is the ultimate responsibility of the coalition, it appears to be playing out as an exclusive confrontation between Daesh and Jordan. ISIS has clearly set out to create confusion in Jordan and has tactically being applying pressure.
Al Baghdadi in pushing terrorist actions in North Africa and with the attack of Paris is applying the tactics of contingency.
There is not an optimal strategy for Isis, jihadi leaders know clearly that it's always the scenario to make a winning strategy. When the theaters of conflict are changed to the saturation of the possible new areas, the psychological defensive ability of the opponents weaken, making useless the prevention.
The Republic of Yemen bud from the ashes of two independent states, North Yemen (Yemen Arab Republic) and South Yemen (People's Democratic Republic of Yemen), in 1990. 'Ali 'Abd Allah Saleh was the first President of a unified state. Despite the existence of one single country, infighting has been affecting stability in Yemen since its birth: it first survived secessionist efforts in 1994 and then, ten years later, clashes burst out between government troops and followers of Shiite religious leader Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi.
Many questions could be easily raised regarding the incident in Paris. Yet, the major questions are related to the consequences of this incident that comes in a very critical moment of shaping a new strategy of combatting terrorism. It is possible to consider Paris attacks as a smaller version of New york Sept 11th . However, Paris incident can not be compared to New york, but it is enough to think of launching a second version of Fighting terrorism where France will have a leading role. This might lead us to expect some of possible consequences or French reactions to the brutal attacks.
New challenges are appearing as the first phase of the war against ISIS in Iraq and Syria reaches the point where a second phase is required that involves a military intervention on the ground as it becomes clear that air strikes will not accomplish the mission objectives.
LIBIA Il braccio dell’ISIS in Libia ha rivendicato il sequestro di 21 cristiani copti egiziani provenienti dal governorato di Minya.Il gruppo jihadista ha inoltre diffuso delle foto degli ostaggi, come riportato da Site Intelligence Group. I 21 cristiani, secondo quanto riferito dall’Is, sarebbero stati catturati nello Stato di Tripoli a capodanno. Si aggravano le condizioni di vita dei cristiani in Libia dalla caduta di Gheddafi nel 2011, numerosi gruppi jihadisti presenti nel Paese hanno più volte colpito famiglie cristiane su tutto il territorio. Non si hanno notizie dei due giornalisti tunisini Nadhir Ktari e Sofien Chourabi sequestrati l’8 gennaio da militanti dell’Is, secondo indiscrezioni i due sarebbero ancora vivi. Intanto nel pomeriggio dell’11 gennaio l’aviazione libica ha bombardato obiettivi militari appartenenti alla coalizione Fajr Libya.
As the level of extremism across our society reaches an alerting level, there is an urgent need for a strategy to de-radicalize. The increased radicalism is a direct result of failed social policies that have created fertile land for the growth of these ideologies.
Days from Hell in Syria and Iraq: combining together all pieces of news regarding US-led air-operations against the Islamic States (IS), 64 airstrikes have been hitting IS positions since Wednesday, December 24.
Between December 24 end December 25, according to the Combined Joint Task Force, Islamic State’s militias were hit by 39 attacks: 19 were carried out in Syria (17 near the town of Kobane and 2 near Hasakah and Raqqa), while other 20 were carried out in Iraq (near Al Asad, Sinjar, Mosul, Al Qaim, Baiji, Kirkuk, Falluja and Tal Afar).
The Russians have lately had a dynamic and innovative diplomacy, leaning towards finding a political solution to the Syrian crisis. With the regional priorities shifting from political resolution to combating terrorism, the Russians are alone in this pursuit.