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The degenerating presence of ISIS on the Syrian and Iraqi soil forces the group to adopt a new strategy that aims to compensate its losses, offers the impression that it still retains its strength, and that it is still able to hit everywhere. Moreover, it is vital for the group to seek creating new climates that form attraction points for its members departing Syria and Iraq.

Published in Medio Oriente

Recent developments in Syria

Giovedì, 21 Luglio 2016 19:16

Since 2012, the US and its allies have many a time attempted to build a military power capable of holding its own in Syria. The last attempt, the “New Syrian Army” was a failure, as it was unable to liberate the area near Al Bukamal, in eastern Syria near the borders with Iraq, from Daesh. However, the failed mission might be the last concrete chance for the Obama administration to create a strong ally on the ground in Syria.

Published in Medio Oriente

The ceasefire agreement in Syria was imposed by a UN resolution in order to make a political settlement in Syria possible. The ceasefire will help restructure the status of various fighting groups and hopefully will put an end to the chaotic supply of weapons.

Published in Medio Oriente


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