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Energy Resources

If there is a poly-analytic examination of Africa, we find that it is a continent that, although statistically significant numbers, will be destined to be a geographical expression, in the sense that his role on the global geopolitical chessboard can not be marginal or, at least, secondary and subordinate.

To get an idea of the absolute value of the statistical numbers that Africa possesses, we can parameterize some of them similar to those of China, well, according to surveys carried out in 2012 on an area of 30,221,000 km ² Africa, see resident population of 1,020,201,229 inhabitants, while for the same statistical data is recorded that China 3.15 times smaller than in Africa, according to the 2011 data, see reside in its vast territory 9,572,900 km ² 1,336,718,015 people , resulting in a population density of 137 inhabitants per square kilometer compared to 33.76 Africa. Given these data, Africa, theoretically, could rise to geopolitical subject of the first order, but the reality today and in the future, so it will not be, except, for now unthinkable cultural changes and policies.

With the exception of Saharan States, while not knowing precisely what hiding in his basement this vast desert territory, and without specifying the States a few exceptions such as Niger is rich in uranium, from the land can get almost all agricultural products such as citrus , peanuts, oats, pineapple, banana, coconut, cassava, sugar cane, coffee, cotton, cinchona bark, cocoa, copra, rubber, dates, wheat, rubber, yam (especially potatoes), legumes, fine wood and timber , corn, millet, nuts, olives, papyrus, potatoes, rice, sesame, sorghum, soybeans, tea and grapes, these activities must be added those for rearing cattle and sheep, and in the northern countries of the camels, and fishing is the great lakes and in the sea for the riparian countries.

The soil is rich and widespread mining of lead, silver, coal, cobalt, manganese, antimony, diamonds, nickel, bauxite, gold, copper, iron, phosphate, chromium, zinc, tungsten, mica, cassiterite (from which we extract tin), columbite, tantalite, beryl, hematite, magnetite and natural gas. Also, if you do a careful thought to the use in many technological devices, such as superconducting magnets, catalysts components of hybrid vehicles, the applications of optoelectronics such as neodymium-YAG laser (Nd-YAG), fiber optics (erbium) , the microwave resonators (YIG spheres, or Yttrium iron garnet or yttrium iron garnet); natural deposits of so-called rare earth attract and stimulate the ravenous appetites of the world powers and are further cause for investigation and geopolitical analysis.

Just because it is obvious, should not be overlooked that in Niger, mining and marketing of uranium is entrusted to the French multinational Areva, while Ghana has granted licenses for overseas sale of oil to GAZPROM in addition, always to the latter, the Ghana National Petroleum Company has also granted the refining and sale of oil resources discovered off the coast of Ghana. Except for a few states, such as South Africa, most of the state realities of Africa are marked by republican form, but all suffer from chronic autocracy. Just this arrangement produces a permanent political instability with recurrent situations of riots, insurrections and riots political and social permanence and a substantial diversion of resources away from investments that each state worthy of the name towards those sectors of society that can promote consolidation of democratic structures. On this particular aspect must be recorded that health and education, in most African countries, pay in the conditions in the prevalence of cases exceed the bounds of acceptable.

The precariousness of the political state realities combined with the ever overcome tribal rivalries, pose an insurmountable barrier to the entire continent to the statement, in the development and consolidation of a political-cultural awareness, so as to give Africa a voice of global burden , not subordinate, but the protagonist on the stage of international politics. The effects of this particular condition and convoluted policy are felt on both sides implicitly connected, one is the one that shows a high rate of corruption of the political classes to power and the other is to note that a sale of the goods produced by the soil and subsoil . To complete the analytical framework must be said that all African States are affected by a strong government debt with foreign countries. Without the evaluation of these assumptions are likely to give an erroneous interpretation of all phenomena of turbulence that are sometimes of a religious nature, think of the Arab Spring, or the tribal clashes think of Rwanda, or even terrorism absolute false reasons religious, if you think the South Sudan and the killings of Catholics in Nigeria.

It is also considered as a total, the lack of political awareness tense affirmation of a school of thought based on a pan-Africanism that, even taking into account the objective distinctions produced by the conditions of particular countries, on all the substantive or almost all working toward a shared direction. With these assumptions analytically calculated, it is difficult to charge the phenomena of religious fanaticism, tribal clashes, terrorist attacks and wars between states some reasons to be endogenous, rather they are scientifically instigated and provoked by external terrorist organizations such as Al Qaida, GICM the Islamic group of Moroccan fighters, the M-23 movement of fighters appointed March 23 operating in Congo, with the aim of creating a necessary destabilization, to create the conditions easier strategy to achieve specific economic objectives. At this point the analysis is incomplete and omission if no assessment as financial powers, whose perverse operating mechanisms (derivatives, options, etc.). Involving investments, but given the nature of the financial mechanism, it would be more appropriate to speak of bets the value of economic goods, technically referred to as below.

No geopolitical analysis possible without some of these criteria, and you commit a blunder if we dwelled to consider some of the forms of financial powers. Finance to be analyzed, for what has become since the beginning of the globalized, or a separate entity capable of influencing and kept on a leash others who contribute to the flow of events in the world.


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