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As part of its research and analytical studies on a global scale, should outline political developments, social and economic, and the fall of the Berlin Wall is a date and a watershed event not only a historical, but also on the methodology of analysis, in the sense that the appearance of evidence of some predictions can then be compared and, as indirect evidence, also supported with its allocation analytical contexts in force before 1989. It 'spent a generous twenty years since the citizens of East Berlin began to break it down as a symbol of political division-economy and a symbol of ideological opposition, and since capitalism understood as economic doctrine had failed the enemy, the social and had to settle a new philosophical doctrine of interpretation of the times to come. The sudden absence of ideological boundaries made me think that from that moment on, all individuals could act on a global scale, and that the word globalization could become a sort of magical reading capable of justifying any phenomenon. That 's right?

The question must be answered that must take into account a basic feature, namely that in the first few moments after the fall of the wall, the whole world could not help but think of the future except in a key super optimistic, it would be enough to reflect on some episodes historians of the immediate past (invasion of Hungary, the repression of the Prague Spring) to persist in considering that all issues had rosy solutions. This collective emphasis has infected all the world's peoples, the respective governments have moved to the changed world stage with policy actions without criteria which correspond to strategic designs and long before that the policy would make conscious account of what kind of ground moving its action , finance and the economy had already occupied its field of action, or the entire planet, dictating latecomer to the new theme to play.

In this respect it can be digested China's entry into the World Trade Organization WTO body.

In short, the current world record which political actors are very battered entities in terms of their health and how sick, far from healing, they are forced to make decisions with the heavy conditioning of the other subjects that globalization has enabled operations. It is our job to identify ways to overcome this stage, but it is an evidence showed that if before the wall every economic market was governed by rules more or less for the functioning of each market, globalization, running much faster than politics, unified virtually all markets with a significant aggravating, ovverossia the rules before the fall of the wall in large part guaranteed a not unfair conduct of economic transactions in the single market are basically gone.

So with the beginning of the era of globalization the occurrence on a global scale of the most salient facts, the taking of political decisions and the increase or restriction of economic development, can not be analyzed with the criteria and tools of 'survey used before the fall of the Berlin Wall, this logic requires finding professionals to consider other mechanisms of investigation that the global era requires. It should also be taken into account that, historically, the collapse of communism and the Soviet Union marked a stretch of significant discontinuity between the before and after that event, therefore, the danger of the outbreak of war, the arms race crowd nuclear and the absolute supremacy of the military spending of the various nations with constant progression reverse their upward trend.

In conclusion, this Institute, in conducting its analysis, take into account the socio-political economic and financial phenomena that have occurred on the stage world, and the study of them will propose the final thesis may be required.


The geopolitical analysis and, therefore, the team of analysts or the individual analyst, can not base all its resolutions and its projections on some factors which according to their level of knowledge and according to his intellectual capacity and computing , will lead him to a conclusion. In this respect, each research institute, every analyst has a huge range of analysis options that still must be accompanied by certain elements. As far as we are concerned, our analysis will take into account, though not necessarily a hierarchical order of the following factors: Finance, Drugs, Water, Raw, Rare Earths.

The factors that are from time to time taken into consideration can be evaluated as determinants competitors, if in a scenario analysis emerge as active subjects that determine, by effect of their action, landings alternative. As will be evaluated as determinants in parallel if scenario analysis are highlighted as active participants that, as a result of their actions, determine converge or landing perfectly superposable. Finally, some analyzes for their particular political, economic and financial, can be evaluated by imagining that the very elements of the study were revealed before the fall of the Berlin Wall as a rebuttal to the arguments of political analysis itself


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