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Cyber Warfare

«All of us in the morning we go to the office and find the server completely devoid of data, our work files gone, years of accounting completely disappeared. Or we could simply go home and visit us in the dark, the food in the refrigerator in a state of decomposition, we can not access our account online, give us a hot shower or simply turn on the light and all this because a Russian hacker has decided attack of the company for which we work or in the second case, has decided to atttaccare the computer system Enel ».

This new system is called to war or war cyberwarfare Cybernetics. This way of making war with the computer that can strike anyone, anywhere and at any time.

The concept of conventional war is far away, you do not need guns or ammunition. Silently has the same devastating effect of the worst bombings in history, and often the individual, the Organisation or the sovereign state which organizes the Cyber attack, leaves no traces. This way of "war" is upsetting the way we see, understand and fight the war, and is scombinando even the very concept of "enemy", while in fact previously used an organization efficiently with large amounts of money available to invest in armaments, today's offensive cyber war can be waged by a 15 year old boy with an available PC and internet. But what exactly is cyberwar? with the term Cyber warfare refers to the complex of defensive activities (cyber-security) and offensive (cyber-attacks) carried out by the combined use and distribution of electronic, information and telecommunications infrastructure. Which include the interception, manipulation or destruction of information and communication systems of the opponents ".

In other words: the war in the days of the Internet and network of global communications. Today, the governments of the world are like never before investing significant amounts of money in research and prevention technologies cyberwarfare Cyber-attack, the nations that stand out on the search, as opposed to what we think, are nations like Serbia, Sweden, Egypt and Russia. A new era, a new mode of warfare and start all over again, we will see shortly the drafting of a new Geneva Convention?


“As in the game of 'slap the soldier', who is caught in the middle must work hard to guess who was hitting him. While all the spinning finger in the air and pretend indifference, the skin and the spirit to suffer the blow accused. But this time is not a game, this occasion is the most dramatic moment of the findings: anyone can take aim at the giant planet, can strike without being seen, can vanish without a trace.”
U. Rapetto, R. Di Nunzio, Le nuove guerre. Dalla Cyberwar ai Black Block, dal sabotaggio mediatico a Bin Laden, BUR, Milano, 2001, p. 309

Articoli Cyberwarfare

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Cyber Warfare

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