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Geopolitics, conceived as the study of relationships between lands, people and policies, it becomes a means of primary importance to understand security risks. During the twentieth century, several authors have questioned about the true nature of this science, proposing theories and definitions often conflicting and ambiguous.

This demonstrates that the subject undergoes often influences from many sciences. Geopolitics, in fact, feeds on contaminations coming from sociology, anthropology, psychology of crowds, economy and history.

So it has come in recent years to the theories of Fukuyama, Huntington, Brzezinski and Luttwak, talking about the end of history or the inevitable clash of civilizations, to analyze an increasingly unstable world, characterized by what Augé has called "the excess of  time ", which means by an endless succession of significant events that decide the course of history hard to understand completely. 

It has come especially to put the geopolitics in the center of complex decision-making, it has exalted the value that a careful geopolitical analysis has in the field of strategic studies and polemology, that is the study of war as a total social fact.

Conflicts upset history, rewrite boundaries and relationships. The identities of the peoples are tested together with their own survival, sometimes generating new tensions and social instability.

Into the intricate process of intelligence reading the information can not be separated from their geopolitical significance, and it is especially in this context that reading geopolitical reality allows us to analyze the risks associated with social security.

Intelligence, on the other hand, becomes a means of penetration of reality. Intelligence is based on a deep knowledge of geopolitical dynamics but at the same time learning channel of the same geopolitical changes.

The geopolitics becomes not only an instrument of interpretation of reality, but also a forecasting tool. If it is true as Clausewitz argued that wars do not break out suddenly, before them a series of events occur, which if well interpreted will tell us how the history is moving. Interpreting accurately the reality means to establish correct diplomatic relations, it promotes strategic business decisions never superficial. 

Triage produces analyzes never banal, through continuous monitoring it offers complete vision of the world situation. It currency risks and the impact of the policies of international bodies responsible for the maintenance of peace and the protection of collective security.

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