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Subversion and Terrorism

The world where we live, with its changes and its upheavals, is theatre of highly complex events that often interfere with our daily lives with different effects. Massacres, explosions, armed assaults, hijacking, ambushes and much more are part of that kind of acts, committed with political or religious purposes, to the service of terrorism.

The complexity of the terrorist phenomenon is related to its nature. Studying terrorism means exploring stories of political organizations, religious movements, fanaticism, warlords, international trafficking. Analyze the connections between these and other aspects of global risks is a difficult task but never as now required.

The real battleground of terrorism is the society in which it is generated and in which it came out, its power is determinated not only by the number of direct victims, but mostly by the effects that can generate in the minds of the rest of the world : the audience.

The spectacularization of the act, almost the main goal of terrorists, is facilitated by the widespread use of mass media. Through the sharing of videos, press releases, "terrifying" images, terrorists spread their message claiming their reasons.

Triage is aware of the need to penetrate ideological foundations, religious extremisms and financial interests that plump terrorism. We Intend to study terrorist organizations's structures that operate on a global and local level.

In an increasingly fluid world and difficult to understand, should develope always current analyzes, dynamic, which are suitable for the evolution of events, analyzes that are able to reveal what Bounan called "the logic of terrorism".

Fundamental task for the analyst is the abandonment of all forms of subjective contamination, predisposing the observation and interpretation of events at the highest level of mental openness, rejecting stereotypes often rooted also in minds of decision makers.

The policies of recent years appeared superficial, and in some cases far from reality.

Studying terrorism in the right way, then, allows to evaluate associated risks. The terrorist threat does not test only international security, the social and political stability in many corners of the world, but also jeopardizes the operation of businesses that are pressing hard to ensure that their interests are not put at risk.

The purpose of Triage is to give interpretations which are always current, having always an eye to the future, anticipating events in the knowledge that despite the terrorists's aim is often to surprise and to propose "new" facts, other times it's possible to predict the evolution of facts with a high probability of success.


Articoli Eversione e Terrorismo

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Eversione e Terrorismo


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