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Everyone knows what the “global surveillance disclosures saga” is about, everyone knows when and how it started; but how many people could say how is it going to end? The answer is nobody, actually. Nevertheless, formulating a kind of prevision is not out of our hands.

At present, Snowden hurricane is reaching his highest destroying force. World political leaders discuss, blame each other and then they reciprocally shake their hands. Nothing new or unusual in the game of politics. The truth is that they actually can’t do anything more than that because they would risk disclosing Pandora’s box even more. For example, the latest Snowden’s revelations claim that British GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) has been spying not only the Italian government but its citizens too in about 30 billion calls per month during the last 20-23 months within Operation Tempora. But such revelation also claims that Italian secret services have been aware about those spying activities. Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta showed how bewildered he was but he didn’t push himself further; he wasn’t able to do so because of the Damocle’s sword pending on his 007s’ heads. Thus, Italian political debate is already dead.

The feeling is that such kind of silence will sooner or later overwhelm all political debates enlightened by all of the revelations in the whole Europe. 

In order to understand what’s going to happen next, let’s take a 20-years step-back in history. It was the 1990 and another spy story was keeping hocked European readers: it was the Gladio case. Gladio was the generic name given to the security stay-behind network that European and US secret services built up in the early 50es in Western Europe in order to resist to a potential Soviet Union military invasion. Nothing wrong with it. The problem was that Gladio members were used by US and European governments and secret services in order to undermine communist movements appeal, appeal that was quite strong at that time: they made themselves responsible of massacres and violence against their own fellow citizens while blaming communist groups at the same time. Well, when the first revelations came out, everyone sow a huge political tsunami ready to hit European political and military apexes but, after few inadequate and irresolute parliamentary inquiries, the huge spurn fire just extinguished in the darkness. That’s because politicians didn’t want to show how rotten that world was. 

Now, it’s not necessary to believe in history cyclic nature in order to accept a prevision of that kind. Seats of power must be really comfortable up there, and truth is not that worthy.

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Alessandro Mazzilli

Degree in International Relations at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Turin.

Expert in Foreign Policy of Defence and Security and the relationships Euro - Atlantic.

Geopolitical analyst.

Consultant Services Stuarding and security checks.


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