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The return of the “New Qaeda”

Sunday, 24 December 2017 22:48

According to several security reports, the popularity of Hamza Bin Laden, the son of Osama Bin Laden, is increasing and some reports suggest that amongst followers of Al Qaeda, he is actually more popular than Al Zawahiri.

The gradual fall of ISIS in Syria and Iraq is likely to result in the growth of other groups in the terrorist scene.  We are already starting to see the appearance of a new generation of Al Qaeda. ISIS increased the brutality and global reach of the Jihadi movement, so any group that steps into its shoes is likely to step up on both those factors suggesting we should expect devastating attacks in large cities in Europe and the US as new groups step into the void left by ISIS – likely to use similar tactics as ISIS, such as lone wolf attacks.

Published in Middle East

Bruxelles, la cible idéal

Thursday, 24 March 2016 14:04

Ils ont choisi Bruxelles parce que cette ville est le symbole de l’Europe qui a abandonnée ses idéaux pour une paix jamais eu. Ils ont choisi Bruxelles parce que en Belgique les djihadistes ont été tolérés pendant des années jusqu’à avoir une véritable hégémonie ethnique. 


Published in Europe


Sunday, 17 January 2016 19:03

La battaglia della notte nella capitale del Burkina  Faso conferma le preoccupazioni delle scorse settimane.
Il terrorismo di matrice islamica oltre a globalizzare propaganda e azioni a basso impatto è  riuscito a creare un vero e proprio net per il cosiddetto terrorismo molecolare che, anche se solo ispirato, riesce autonomamente ad organizzare attentati ovunque.

Published in Africa


Wednesday, 25 November 2015 09:34

After the 13 November, is not to say that they are good are the italian departments and they are less good others.

Published in Italy


Saturday, 14 November 2015 15:46

In una Europa senza univoche strategie di prevenzione al terrorismo la Francia subisce un attacco senza precedenti con un bilancio di oltre 100 morti e numerosissimi feriti.

Published in Europe


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