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Coronavirus - incognita Africa

Thursday, 13 February 2020 15:45

Ladies and Gentlemen a questo punto il vero problema non è più la Cina ma l’Africa. L’Africa infatti è una vera bomba biologica ad orologeria. L’attenzione oggi è rivolta tutta verso i cinesi ed in generale agli asiatici, ma si sta commettendo un grave errore. La Cina è ormai monitorata e contingentata, il governo ha messo in quarantena 60 MILIONI di persone (come dire l’intera popolazione Italiana), ma la comunicazione tardiva da parte delle autorità Cinesi in merito al virus, ha di fatto permesso a questo di potersi diffondere a livello globale, generando un principio di pandemia. Il peggio deve ancora arrivare e non arriverà dalla Cina ma dall’Africa.

Published in Africa

Rex Tillerson segretario di stato americano è in Cina quando riceve notizia dell'annuncio di Kim Jong-un leader nordcoreano, sul test del nuovo tipo di motore ad alta spinta per alimentare i propri missili. Quella che viene definita "nuova nascita" dalla Corea del Nord in realtà è una stabile crescita, già pianificata e prevista.

Published in Asia & Pacific

China Shandong in flames

Thursday, 27 August 2015 07:32

In recent days, the explosion occurred at a chemical plant in Shandong Province has highlighted the plight of China in relation to occupational safety and particularly security at chemical plants and oil, currently the parameters of safety in production activities in China is very low and this has a major impact on foreign orders that now more frequently are canceled because of continuing incidents at production sites.

Published in Asia & Pacific

The new Suez Canal

Wednesday, 12 August 2015 00:08

After the inauguration, last Thursday of the new stretch of the Suez Canal, with great ceremony by the Egyptian government and an exceptional array of security and protection of the event the Head of the Press Office of the Embassy in Moscow Egyptian Aiman ​​Mousa in He explained: it is 72 km of parallel channel to the old built 146 years ago. The new channel will allow ships transiting to proceed in both directions and reduce the waiting period from 11 to 22 hours, increasing revenues.

Published in Middle East

Russia China on nuclear power

Tuesday, 11 August 2015 13:57

Ambassador of South Korea in China Park Ro- Byug hopes the urgent resumption of the resumption of six-party talks on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

The six-party talks that include Russia, North Korea, the US, China, Japan and South Korea are at a standstill since 2009.

Published in Asia & Pacific


Thursday, 23 July 2015 15:58

The petrolchimical plant Rizhoo, in the province of Shadong blew up last july 17, officially for a technical incident.

Published in Asia & Pacific

Tension rises between Beijing and Naypyidaw after four Chinese civilians died in an explosion apparently caused by a bomb launched by Burmese warplane engaged in military operations against Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA)[1]. The incident occurred on March 13 near the city of Lincang, in the south-western Chinese province of Yunnan. Political relations are particularly tense also because a similar episode happened just a few days earlier when some civilians’ buildings were damaged or destroyed by a stray shell.

Published in Asia & Pacific

It has been always quite clear that destroying Syrian chemical weapons would have been a difficult mission, but the current situation it's more complicated than expected. The first great problem burst out in  December when OPCW was looking for a way to destroy Assad's chemical armoury and no State nor private organization volunteered. Because of that and due to a short amount of available time, OPCW board was forced to solve the “crisis” going with a earlier set aside-option : destroying the chemical material in international waters in more than one step. The second huge problem revealed itself at the end of 2013 and it messed up OPCW schedule: according to their plan, the most dangerous part of Syrian chemical armoury should have been removed from Syrian territory by 31 December but they failed  because of bad weather condition and because of the never-ending clashes between Assad's troops and the rebel groups within the ongoing civil war. Now everything it's on move again but the premises aren't really bright.

Published in Middle East

It seems incredible but exactly 50 years since the assassination of Kennedy that Dallas is still a struggle against a communist country : China.

This time it comes to Caroline Kennedy, daughter of John , U.S. Ambassador to Japan, who will have to deal with the issue of the Senkaku .

Tuesday, November 26 two unarmed B52 U.S. bombers flew over the airspace of the Senkaku Islands in order to challenge China who in the meantime had declared , in an arbitrary and one-sided that it is its own airspace.

Published in North America

«On the basis of the evidence obtained during our investigation […] the conclusion is that, on 21 August 2013, chemical weapons have been used in the ongoing conflict between the parties in the Syrian Arab Republic, also against civilian, including children […] The environmental, chemical and medical samples we have collected provide clear and convincing evidence that surface-to-surface rockets containing the nerve agent Sarin were used». These are UN’s inspectors’ conclusions contained in an expected 41 pages-report on August slaughter in Damascus.

Published in Middle East
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