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War on Syria: illegitimate option

Tuesday, 17 September 2013 18:38

With just the threat of military action, America was able to push the apparently immobile political situation in Syria towards a decisive stage.

The Russian axis adopted a strategy that aimed to deprive the US from any legitimate reasons to launch an attack against Syria.

Published in Middle East


Monday, 09 September 2013 21:15

Croatia is the latest and 28th European Union member state. Zagreb submitted a full membership request in latest February 2003 and now the former Jugoslav federal republic joined the other twentiseven members under the starry EU flag, more than a decade later. Croatian entry into the European peace area was combined with one hope: forgetting mid-nineties’ civil war horrors and letting people moving on once for all. 

Published in Europe


Friday, 06 September 2013 18:18

Jorge Bergoglio enters a straight leg in the G20 in Saint Petersburg and sends a message to the heavy Catholic Denis McDonough, Obama's chief of staff, to dissuade the U.S. to intervene militarily in Syria.

For Papa Francesco there is a just war, no war is humanitarian appeal for peace in Syria has also convinced Badreddin Ahmed Hassoun, spiritual leader of Sunni Islam that Saturday in the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, propose, at the invitation of the Pope, a day of fasting and prayer for Syria.

Published in Middle East


Thursday, 05 September 2013 20:39

President Obama is trying to convince, we have to wait at least until the middle of next week for the final vote, the Congress to support military action against Syria to punish President Bashar Al- Assad for ordering the killing of hundreds of people with toxic gas.

But what will the punishment consist of ? Military targets hit by U.S. missiles? Bombardment of the presidential palace in the style of Assad Regan bombed the palace of Gaddafi? Fixed targets , which could include airfields? For the moment, we know with certainty that the attack will not follow an operation "boots on ground".

Published in Middle East


Tuesday, 03 September 2013 20:22

Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and the Head of the Foreign Affairs Committees of the Iranian parliament Hossein Hosseini Naqavi have said in recent days that any Western attack on Syria would assign the right to react against Israel and U.S. bases in the Middle East.

 Russia and China said they would not accept any interventionist position and place his veto any UN resolution against Syria, in particular, the Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov has officially asked to open a discussion at the United Nations to assess the risks of global instability the area due to a hypothetical missile attack U.S. , in consideration of the fact that the evidence of the use of gas Sarin by Assad documentarily have not been presented.

Published in Middle East

On the bloody civil war that Egypt weigh more than the religious motivations funding occult and not that rich monarchies of the Gulf, the U.S. and Turkey to send the warring parties.

Voluntary contributions to confirm a weak peace, such as those sent by the United States to the Muslim Brotherhood a year ago to get a non-aggressive policy with Israel, or like those now sent by the countries of the Gulf to radicalize the clashes.

Published in Middle East


Tuesday, 20 August 2013 20:06

Two years of civil war in Syria have caused more than 100,000 deaths and determined at least 1.7 million refugees across its borders.

The approximately three-quarters of Muslims of Syria belong to the Sunni sect. However, the Assad dynasty, which ruled the country from 1970 belongs to the minority Alawite sect, which is close to Shiite Islam.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is a staunch ally of Assad's government and has provided (and provides), military training and economic development.

Published in Middle East

In a dramatic day yesterday as Egypt has experienced dramatic moments over 525 fibula killed by the Egyptian army, most of them are hit with bullets to the head and heart not to forget the people burned alive. Aladwiya Square has become a scene of a horror movie, unfortunately, a film that still live our brothers in humanity the Egyptian brothers.

Published in Middle East


Friday, 09 August 2013 16:38

The Islamist supporters of ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi have just made yet another manifestation of protest demanding his reinstatement.

Until now, the Brotherhood has refused to accept what he calls an illegal coup against bites and has publicly demanded the return of the elected president, who is currently being held in a secret location.

The new authorities have accused Islamic leaders of incitement to violence, froze the assets of the Brotherhood and they promised to put them on trial.

Published in Middle East

In his first press conference since the election last June, the Iranian president Hassan Rohani said that there would be problems to conduct direct negotiations with the U.S. on the Iranian nuclear issue, as long as national interests are protected and to be put aside language of pressures and threats.

The U.S., according to Rohani, should not follow any hidden agenda and work towards the mutual respect between the two nations. Rohani also criticized the laws passed by the House of Representatives U.S. and the calls by U.S. senators to a tightening of sanctions against Iran.

Published in Middle East


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