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In his first press conference since the election last June, the Iranian president Hassan Rohani said that there would be problems to conduct direct negotiations with the U.S. on the Iranian nuclear issue, as long as national interests are protected and to be put aside language of pressures and threats.

The U.S., according to Rohani, should not follow any hidden agenda and work towards the mutual respect between the two nations. Rohani also criticized the laws passed by the House of Representatives U.S. and the calls by U.S. senators to a tightening of sanctions against Iran.

Referring to the recent vote in the House of Representatives of a bill that aims to prevent all oil exports from Iran, said that "in the United States there are pressure groups, warmongers hostile to a constructive dialogue that try to do the interests of a foreign country (Israel) and to carry out his orders. "

Rohani feels confident and believes that it can come to an agreement because the uranium enrichment is an "undeniable right" of the Islamic Republic of Iran, said declaring serious about resolving the crisis with the West. The Chairman reminded, however, that the other party should be aware that a solution may be established, "only through dialogue, not threats."


The first response came from Russia: the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, afferamato, during a press conference which was held at Villa Madama at the end of the ministerial meeting between Italy and Russia. "We agree with the new president Rohani and the fact that the solution is not based on ultimatums but on negotiations. Hypothesis of new sanctions to strangle that country when a president takes office and form a new government is against the interests of the international community, the same that does not want the proliferation of nuclear weapons. "

Meanwhile, the Deputy Foreign Minister Lapo Pistelli is these days in Tehran for making contact with the Iranian authorities. The Foreign Ministry announced that the goal of the visit is "manifesting the attention of the Italian government after the election of the new President and the new administration will encourage Iran to take concrete actions to immediately start with a period of renewed dialogue with the international community. It will also be an occasion to remember the historical ties that unite the two peoples, resume bilateral dialogue on issues such as the fight against drug trafficking and stabilization of Afghanistan and invite the authorities in Tehran to adopt a responsible behavior on the many regional issues in which are involved. You want to raise in particular the links at the university level, research and cultural cooperation for the development of historic sites. " The Deputy Minister Pistelli He added that "In the background there is also the P5 +1 negotiations with Tehran that is not directly on the agenda, but do not miss this opportunity to reiterate to the party's support for the approach of the international community" .


A first riveted by the Persian world comes directly from the highest authority of the country, the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei that, stressing the need to continue along the road of scientific development you earnestly, has specified that the objective of the pressures and sanctions imposed against the country does not is nothing more than prevent the Iranian national to make further progress in science and stated that: "Some Western countries, imposing illegal sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran, try to hinder scientific development of the country. The front of hostile format from the West against the Islamic Republic and the Iranian nation, it is composed of only a few dominant countries in Western Europe, who do not spare any effort and any attempt to hinder scientific progress in Iran. "

He added: "The UN Security Council has approved a new round of sanctions against the Islamic Republic for its nuclear program, which the U.S. and its allies would help to develop atomic weapons! An accusation which we have always rejected, we are a signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, whose nuclear activities are regularly inspected by the UN's Atomic Energy (IAEA). Under pressure from the U.S. and its allies, Iran is constantly being threatened to be attacked by Israel, while the latter has never been international inspections, it has not ratified a Convention and is also in possession of at least 200 nuclear warheads! World powers express concern about the security of Israel and threaten Iran. They should open their eyes: the Islamic Republic has been a member of the IAEA, while Israel is not. Iran is a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which Israel does not belong. Iran has repeatedly expressed willingness to resolve the nuclear dispute through dialogue but no one gave her the opportunity to do so. "

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Dariush Rahiminia

Dariush Rahiminia, Bachelor in Investigation and Security Sciences, expert in Investigative Psychology, specializing in Internazional development and cooperation.

His studies are concentrated on intercultural sociology and human rights defense. Born in Italy from Iranian parents, he holds both Iranian and Italian citizenships. He loves studying International Relationships due to his Persian origins and his lots of travels around the world.

Now he is a Criminological Advisor  and a Technical counselor  in various legal practices and for a recovery center for criminals.


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