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Civil war clouds are gathering above Central African Republic (CAR), a “lawless” country, where the number of clashes between Christians and Muslims is increasing, where armed groups have been accused of atrocities against civil population (including killings, burning villages and child soldiers conscription). That’s the alarm bell that was stressed by the United Nation in late November. 

Published in Africa

Everyone knows what the “global surveillance disclosures saga” is about, everyone knows when and how it started; but how many people could say how is it going to end? The answer is nobody, actually. Nevertheless, formulating a kind of prevision is not out of our hands.

Published in North America

Snowden cyclone has been hitting European and Euro-Atlantic political relationships again in the last few weeks, and the Great Britain found herself in the middle of it. The political atmosphere started becoming really tense when Snowden affirmed that French, German, Italian government and about other thirty world political leaders have been spied by the NSA; but it got even worse since, according to the latest revelations as the Daily and Sunday Express reported, British 007s have been cooperating with US secret services in gathering data form the Italian government and phone and spying on Italian citizens phone and internet traffic on a huge scale. Simultaneously the BBC impartially claimed that such wiretapping were just a little piece of a greater security operation called Tempora leaded by the British GCHQ agency (Government Communications Headquarters) linked to the NSA PRISM activities.

Published in Europe


Tuesday, 19 November 2013 21:01

Once again, street protests go back to warm the hearts of the Bulgarian people, the occasion, this time, was that the event organized on November 13 in memory of the fall of the communist regime in the country, when, now twenty-four years ago, students and ordinary citizens marched through the streets of Sofia against the too generous pro-Soviet policy of  Teodor Zhivkov, leader of Bulgaria from July 1971 to November 1989. 

Published in Europe
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