Born in Perugia in 1988, he follows a scientific degree in 2007 in his hometown and in the same year he moved to Rome to study Historical Sciences at the University "La Sapienza", specializing in the study of the relationship between the sacred and power. In 2011 he graduated with a degree in medieval history on the Golden Legend of Jacopo da Varazze, followed in 2014 by the master's degree with a thesis on the Donation of Constantine, the most famous forgery of medieval history. Collaborated since 2012 with the historical-literary association "Polvere del Tempo", and in June 2014 published an article entitled Rituals and images of the papal power in the Gesta Innocentii III in the journal of European Studies Eurostudium 3w.
With every passing month, the evolution of the hot Ukrainian question is delivering the international political scene a really unusual Germany: the analysts do not harbour any doubts about it. For decades we have been accustomed to the image of a country that was forced by his lumbering past to limit its initiatives in the international scene to the field of the cooperation for economical development –certainly a meritorious contribution-, refusing to play a leading role in the international political-military balances. In other words, Germany had to do everything possible to try to remove all traces of his aggressive nationalism, swept away along with the famous first verse of the German national anthem, "Deutschland über alles in der Welt".