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Aleppo the new Sarajevo

Sunday, 26 July 2015 14:45

Aleppo has been forgotten by the media but it is there that he continues to fight for three years. The electricity comes for a few hours a day and the water is missing in almost all quarters; of the 2.5 million inhabitants of prewar population today according to our estimates reaches just over 250 thousand units of: Christians from 200 thousand are now approximately 70,000. The city that was considered the Syrian Milan is divided in two: the West the government, to the east of the so-called rebels who are now indefinite militias with men recovered everywhere, no real political and religious reasons but simply motivated by the power that the war itself transmits.

Published in Middle East

Numerous conflicts parallel and the bloody civil war of March 2011 set fire to Syria.

And 'now certain that the guerrilla struggle against the Syrian regime is deeply divided between gangs and groups Qaedist more moderate, the novelty now seems to be an escalation of the internal conflict that now flows in a war within a war, a deadly "all against all" .

On 11 July he was in fact killed Kamal Hamami, leader of an organization composed mostly of deserters from the armed forces loyalist, called "Free Syrian Army" and considered by the more generic Syrian resistance too pro-Western.

Published in Middle East


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