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Thursday, 05 June 2014 20:06

It seems like the balance of forces in Syria has hardly changed since the beginning of the civil war in 2011: apparently, neither the loyalists nor the rebel forces have the capability of overpowering one another.

Now, abandoning any kind of rhetoric, it is clear that, in terms of international security, a stuck conflict is far preferable rather than having one of the two parties victorious. Although it may appear to be an out-of-place statement, imagining the possible alternative scenario would be enough to see how truthful it is.

Published in Middle East

Damasco Presunto attacco chimico

Wednesday, 20 March 2013 21:17

Il Governo e ribelli della Siria si accusano  reciprocamente di aver lanciato un  attacco chimico nei pressi della città settentrionale di Aleppo martedì 19 marzo, sarebbe il primo uso di tali armi nel conflitto che dura da due anni.

Voci  contrastanti su chi effettivamente ha usato armi chimiche.

Published in Middle East


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