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This week we have seen an agreement to resume natural gas shipments from Egypt to Lebanon through the Arab Gas Pipeline that stretches from Egypt through Jordan and Syria to Lebanon. Energy Ministers of the four countries met at an official meeting in Amman to reach the agreement, which is promising, not just to solve part of Lebanon’s critical energy shortage, but it also represents an opportunity for both Jordan and Syria. There are many questions around the likelihood of success for this project, particularly given the need for stability and security cooperation, which will also require broader cooperation and official political engagement.

Published in Middle East

La Sharjah National Oil Corporation e il suo partner italiano ENI hanno annunciato la scoperta diun nuovo giacimento di gas naturale e condensati onshore nel territorio di Mahani a Sharjah. Questaè una scoperta storica. Infatti, da decenni non si scoprivano nuovi giacimenti, che dovrebberorafforzare le risorse dell’mirato e contribuire alle sue riserve energetiche, creando uno sviluppo sostenibile e un ambiente economico positivo nel paese.

Published in Middle East

Le mani della Turchia sul Mediterraneo

Monday, 03 February 2020 12:59

La mire espansionistiche turche si stanno manifestando in tutta la loro natura. Il governo turco, dal momento in cui Mosca e Ankara hanno ripreso una intensa attività diplomatica e di collaborazione in ambito internazionale, ha portato avanti una politica estremamente aggressiva e ambiziosa verso ovest. La Turchia ha costruito una fitta rete di organizzazioni statali e parastatali che progressivamente hanno penetrato i contesti europei e nord-africani, divenendo di fatto un attore di primo piano per gli equilibri geostrategici dell’area del Mediterraneo. Energia e difesa stanno trainando le politiche estere di Erdogan, che approfittando della natura islamista del suo governo, infiltra i governi e i movimenti politici algerini, tunisini, libici, egiziani, serbi, macedoni, greci, albanesi, bosniaci. Agendo rapidamente e mediante la messa a disposizione di grandi risorse, la Turchia infatti sta - già da alcuni anni - influenzando le politiche energetiche balcaniche, in considerazione dell’attenzione strategica che nei prossimi decenni investirà l’area dell’Adriatico. 

Published in Middle East

Nucleare – Gli Emirati Arabi Uniti a breve giro inaugureranno la loro prima centrale nucleare. L’unità 1 dell’impianto nucleare di Barakah ad Abu Dhabi è pronta per iniziare la produzione di energia, secondo un’attenta valutazione di operatività condotta da un team internazionale di esperti del settore. 

Published in Middle East

New developments in Ukraine-Russia dispute over gas supplies: Russian gas company Gazprom is about to restart gas flow to Ukraine and Europe thanks to a three-sided agreement signed by Ukraine, Russia and the European Union on October 31.

Published in Europe


Wednesday, 29 October 2014 21:34

The largest oil refinery in Iraq is under siege from June this year. 

On Wednesday the Iraqi military unleashed an offensive up to about 2 km from the city of Baijii in order to regain the largest oil refinery in the country besieged by militants of the Islamic state. 

Published in Middle East


Thursday, 23 January 2014 15:10

Moscow is going to finance about the 80% of the costs[1] of the construction of two new nuclear reactors (out of a total of four old reactors) in the Hungarian Paks nuclear power plant (town close to Budapest). This is the gist of the agreement that Russian president Vladimir Putin and Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban signed last week, concluding a negotiation that the two countries had started in 2009. According to such agreement, Moscow is going to lend up 13,7 billion dollars[2] (about 10 billion euros) which will be used by MVM Group (state company owner of the facility) in order to increase the power plant productivity, power plant that now provides about 40% of the national needs.

Published in Europe

Energy war between Russia and the EU

Tuesday, 17 December 2013 00:02

The energetic war between Russia and EU enriches of a new, precious tessera: few days ago, in fact, the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, and the managing director of Gazprom, Aleksej Miller, have established, in a meeting which took place in the magyar capital, that the building of the South Stream pipeline, sponsored by Gazprom itself and doomed to transport the russian natural gas from the shores of the Black Sea to the Western Europe (bypassing Ukraine), will go on withouth delays, with the opening of the construction sites in April 2015, as expected.

Published in Asia & Pacific

Everything goes through the tubes of the South Stream gas pipeline. In Italian "flusso meridionale".

If someone thought that senior officials of the Ministry of the Interior, sacrificed to political stability, have acted lightly, you are wrong, the first concern of the government was, and is, not weaken the Italian presence in Astana.

As usual it was desired to mask a coordinated intelligence operation with a simple mistake of the Interior Ministry.

Published in Asia & Pacific


Friday, 08 March 2013 10:32

Nella regione di Sarwah, tra la capitale Sanaa e la città di Maarib,  è stata fatta esplodere una sezione dell'oleodotto che trasporta petrolio dalla provincia di Maarib al Ras Isa terminal, nell'ovest dello Yemen. L'attacco, che ha generato un incendio, si è verificato circa un mese dopo che lo stesso oleodotto fosse stato colpito. Il ministro della difesa ha identificato gli autori come degli "elementi sovversivi".

Published in Middle East


Eversione e Terrorismo


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