US President Trump has indicated that we are days away from the announcement of his long-awaited Middle East peace plan, after he meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his election-rival Benny Gantz at the White House. The plan is likely to include the new status quo that has been implemented, so there is a lot of expectation that it will not be popular amongst Palestinians. Even Trump himself acknowledged that, but assured them it would actually benefit them. Refusal to accept the new plan is unlikely to change things on the ground, as there is a new reality that makes new rules and must be the basis for any new vision for peace.
Le monarchie del Golfo contestano l’annessione della Valle del Giordano promessa dal premier israeliano in piena campagna elettorale.
Le dichiarazioni di Benjamin Netanyahu, Primo Ministro israeliano, relative al piano di annessione della valle del Giordano, non sono passate inosservate neanche nei paesi arabi, non si è fatta infatti attendere la replica da parte dei leader degli Emirati Arabi Uniti.