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All have long known (Authorities and experts) that the italian oil facilities in Lybia were sensitive targets, expecially because it is completely uncovered from any form of both passive and active safety.

A system which deliberately not we spread the signs of localization insists no paddocks, even on rolling stock main commonly used to circulate.

In these months of total disintegration of the state of Libya, Eni and the contractors have decided to entrust the safety of facilities to Libyan bands, regardless that they are not federated, even in Tripoli, but act in a continuous variable geometry , with the consequence of having, in a matter of hours, allies and enemies different and vice versa.

For the solution of the case the Foreign Ministers of the Interior and Italian state that any hypothesis is open and this is only logical in the sense that our countrymen have been sold by the Libyans in the system and then captured by a gang Berber probably not oriented to politics to business.

From the kidnapping bandits Libyans headed in some desert areas close to the Tunisian border.

Lack of claims of any kind orients the analysis towards a possible sale of the hostages to other bands able to monetize the seizure immediately.

The useful intervention for the release must be fast and focused to concrete negotiations that immediately becomes convenient for the kidnappers.

Every day lost complicates the situation.

The kidnapping of foreigners is a business, the intelligence will have to operate in this way.


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Sergio Giangregorio

Degree in Political Sciences and International Relations. Specialized in "Speculative models and educational researches in multimedia interaction of I°and II° level", adjunct university professor in investigative subjects with specific expertise on security in urban areas, on intelligence methods and peacekeeping. Communications expert in extreme situations.

Investigative journalist and intelligence analyst, he developed many strategic studies of all theather of war as the balcanic conflict, the Afghanistan's war and conflicts in Iraq and North Africa.

President of the European Center of Orientation and Studies (CEOS).

Director of the monthly magazine on line "Convincere".




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