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ISIS - no rain of missiles on Sicily

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Following some alarmism appeared on the net about phantom rains missiles on Sicily by ISIS we feel obliged to deny this possibility, unfortunately revived by newspapers are very popular in our country; report a "confirms a suspicion" of the genre can generate fear and fear among the population as well as rekindle old feelings in veterans dormant.

ISIS currently does not have a valid weapons, ramps it nor specialists capable of such actions. Even in Libya are missile batteries former arsenal of Gaddafi, all there was was destroyed during the Arab Spring (remember that it was not at all a "social media revolution", but a real bloody war with innocent victims, including women and children ... other than phantom students barefoot driving means war).

Before writing some news, we should at least be sure of weapons held by ISIS, precisely because of the responsibility they have towards their profession but especially towards the citizens and the security of the country.

We repeat: no one in the area now has ramps and missiles capable of reaching Italy. Do not even have cards computer trigger for the launch, they have not provided any of these things! Why then give weight to one of the many propaganda messages of terror? The ISIS web strategy continues meanwhile, feeding also popular video and media who unknowingly perform like an act of aiding Al-Baghdadi.

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Claudio Sciarma

Degree in Investigation and Security Sciences cum laude. He developed a thesis in collaboration with Ra.C.I.S. of Rome and the company Leica Geosystems on the reconstruction of the crime scene using the laser scanner. 

Master degree in Social Research for Internal and External Security developing a thesis called "investigate with search engine - Google as mean of business intelligence"

Postgraduate master degree in Security Languages.

Certificate of arab language and culture at the Foreign Languages School of the Italian Army.

Intelligence analyst.

Webmaster, webdesigner and expert SEO. Specialized in telecommunication fraud detection, he worked with the GAO of the Italian Finance Police. Expert in P.P.A. (advanced personal protection), terrorist attacks analysis, international security, transport security, events planning, personal protection devices analysis. Volunteer in the Italian Army (2010-2012), assigned to the Foreign Languages School of the Italian Army. 

Founding member of the Italian Association of Investigation and Security Sciences.

Codirector of the monthly magazine on line "ConVincere".




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