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Hacking Team and collateral damage

Sunday, 02 August 2015 23:54

In Italy, the citizens, have no real perception of what happened with the violation of the computer systems of a private company that provides "services" in many countries. If he had spoken for example, a company that dealt with unwinding of data from cameras, on behalf of a municipal police, maybe it would be all hell broke loose, "there is a penalty for data processed by persons who have not the qualification of PG ", etc.

This is about (according to what we can read on-line) control devices that are not only computers but also smartphone or tablet. Check is not just observe or acquire it also means blocking, use, write, erase and then act on behalf of the user! Imagine if someone could deposit files whose detention is prohibited and prosecuted by law such as child abuse images ... or if you think the device of the subject X involved in proceedings, infected with this malware until a month ago to the unknown Most software, was polluted with material overwhelming.

Published in Italy

Everyone knows what the “global surveillance disclosures saga” is about, everyone knows when and how it started; but how many people could say how is it going to end? The answer is nobody, actually. Nevertheless, formulating a kind of prevision is not out of our hands.

Published in North America

From politics to the media-world: “fights” on Snowden’s revelations are spreading all around. That’s what is happening in the UK in the last couple of months, where a kind of a quarrel came up between the right-winger headline The Daily Mail and the politically independent The Guardian. At the same time the GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) was dragged to the dock by Snowden’s revelations published on The Guardian accusing the agency of having supported US espionage activities by controlling Italian government and its citizen’s communications, The Daily Mail began a harsh campaign against The Guardian guilty of providing a handbook to potential terrorists willing to harm Great Britain. In an ironic drawing, The Daily Mail pictured a newspaper seller handing out a copy of The Guardian to a man wearing a balaclava and, on the newspaper table, an advertisement says: “The Guardian – Secrets of MI5 and CGHQ – read all about it”. On its side, The Guardian has received support from many international headline editors asserting that what The Guardian has been doing is a clear expression of democracy end a clear example of freedom of speech and expression principle.

Published in Europe


Monday, 11 November 2013 23:02

At this time a news release is really important: ( "The Italian secret services, from now on, every time you have to deal with sensitive data of their citizens, must notify the all'Autority for privacy. It is the pivot around which the Memorandum of Understanding between the Guarantor and the Delegated Authority for the security of the Republic Dis signed today in Palazzo Chigi. "

Published in Italy

Could be the corporate websites of parliament, the targets of Anonymous, announcing their own took to the field for Friday, June 21, 2013 in a video posted on the web at this time. The attacks could also arrive before this date, and it is said that only the institutional sites will be taken by storm. Below is the full text of the statements made in the video:

Published in Italy

Nuova guerra fredda?

Sunday, 03 March 2013 15:13

Sarebbe un'unità segreta dell’esercito di liberazione popolare cinese, la responsabile della maggior parte dei tanti attacchi informatici cinesi in aziende statunitensi e relative infrastrutture. A dirlo è David Sanger corrispondente da Washington per il New York Times.

Dal punto di vista diplomatico la realtà Cyber è molto complicata… pensare che il proprio avversario possa riuscire ad intrufolarsi nei propri sistemi riuscendo addirittura ad impossessarsene, con la possibilità di spegnerli in qualsiasi momento o di riattivarli a proprio piacimento, non è difficile ipotizzare le conseguenze su tutti i settori come ad esempio il controllo dello spazio aereo ma non solo. Uno dei recenti attacchi ha visto come target proprio il New York Times, e dalla relazione di una società di sicurezza informatica si evincerebbe il pieno coinvolgimento dei militari cinesi in questa azione.

Published in North America

Il 23 gennaio 2013 la Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri italiana scriveva  quanto segue:

“Il Presidente del Consiglio Mario Monti e i Ministri membri del Comitato interministeriale per la sicurezza della Repubblica hanno firmato il decreto per accrescere le capacità del Paese di confrontarsi con le minacce alla sicurezza informatica.

L’Italia si dota così della prima definizione di un’architettura di sicurezza cibernetica nazionale e di protezione delle infrastrutture critiche. Il decreto pone le basi per un sistema organico, all’interno del quale, sotto la guida del Presidente del Consiglio, le varie istanze competenti possono esercitare in sinergia le loro competenze.

Gli attacchi alla sicurezza informatica negli ultimi anni hanno avuto una crescita esponenziale. Assinform stima che il 40% degli attacchi richiedono almeno 4 giorni per essere risolti. Nel 90% dei casi l’attacco ha successo a causa dell’errata configurazione del sistema di sicurezza e per la mancanza di competenze specifiche. I costi sostenuti da privati e PA per proteggersi sono consistenti: Gartner li quantifica in 55 miliardi di dollari nel 2011, 60 nel 2012 e 86 (stimati) entro il 2016.

Published in Italy


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