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Benin nel caos

Monday, 10 July 2017 10:36

Il 22 giugno centinaia di persone hanno protestato pacificamente nella capitale commerciale Coto-nou contro le politiche liberali del presidente Patrice Talon. Nel frattempo non cessano le tensioni tra i maggiori partiti di opposizione. Il partito Benin Rebirth il 25 giugno ha escluso il suo ex-leader, il sindaco di Cotonou Lehady Soglo, rafforzando l’ala riformista del partito. Anche il leader del Social Democratic Party, Emmanuel Golou, ha perso la sua carica il 26 giugno. 

Le dimostrazioni antigovernative con molta probabilità diventeranno più frequenti nei prossimi mesi. Dalla sua elezione, avvenuta con una facile vittoria ottenuta con il 65% dei voti nel marzo del 2016, Talon non ha subìto forti opposizioni. Comunque, il fallimento in aprile del suo piano di riforma della costituzione ha rappresentato un grande colpo per il governo di Talon, dando la possibilità ai dissidenti di avere voce e rafforzando le opposizioni. Con molta probabilità le proteste resteranno pacifiche, ma potrebbero causare alcuni problemi nella mobilità nei centri urbani del paese. 

Uno dei fattori che alimenta i dissidenti è la mancanza di trasparenza sulla sovrapposizione tra gli interessi politici e quelli commerciali di Talon. Talon ha centralizzato il processo decisionale nel suo gabinetto, questo ha fatto nascere malcontento soprattutto perché le opposizioni credono che Talon si serva del suo ruolo politico per difendere i suoi interessi commerciali. I processi di privatizzazione e il ripristino di alcuni affari di Talon nel settore dell’import-export del cotone hanno provocato diverse proteste da parte dell’opposizione.

Published in Africa

Le sfide di Al Sarraj in Libia

Saturday, 23 July 2016 12:21

Il futuro della Libia resta fortemente legato a quello del Generale Haftar, comandante dell'autoproclamato Esercito Nazionale Libico. Haftar si è mostrato contrario alla proposta di costituire un consiglio militare comprendente diversi ufficiali provenienti da tutta la Libia, da mettere a capo delle forze armate libiche.

Published in Middle East

Bruxelles, la cible idéal

Thursday, 24 March 2016 14:04

Ils ont choisi Bruxelles parce que cette ville est le symbole de l’Europe qui a abandonnée ses idéaux pour une paix jamais eu. Ils ont choisi Bruxelles parce que en Belgique les djihadistes ont été tolérés pendant des années jusqu’à avoir une véritable hégémonie ethnique. 


Published in Europe


Saturday, 14 November 2015 15:46

In una Europa senza univoche strategie di prevenzione al terrorismo la Francia subisce un attacco senza precedenti con un bilancio di oltre 100 morti e numerosissimi feriti.

Published in Europe

Earlier this month, French President François Hollade asked to his Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian to launch reconnaissance flights over Syria in case of new potential raids against the Islamic State. On September 16, Le Drian himself declared that France may strike in the "coming weeks […] once we have well identified targets" (source: Bloomberg). In this way, Paris is going to expand its action from Iraq to Syria.

Published in Middle East

The new Suez Canal

Wednesday, 12 August 2015 00:08

After the inauguration, last Thursday of the new stretch of the Suez Canal, with great ceremony by the Egyptian government and an exceptional array of security and protection of the event the Head of the Press Office of the Embassy in Moscow Egyptian Aiman ​​Mousa in He explained: it is 72 km of parallel channel to the old built 146 years ago. The new channel will allow ships transiting to proceed in both directions and reduce the waiting period from 11 to 22 hours, increasing revenues.

Published in Middle East


Thursday, 25 June 2015 17:36

The French daily Liberation published on its website that the NSA National Security Agency in the United States would have spied from 2006 French presidents Jacques Chirac, Nicolas Sarkozy and Francois Hollande, President Hollande to date, as well as the French ministers and the French ambassador in the United States. Wikileaks source.
These latest revelations concerning espionage between the West allies comes after it emerged that the NSA had spied on Germany, and the German BND intelligence agency would cooperate with the NSA to spy on officials of major European companies.
The documents published by Wikileaks include summaries of conversations between officials of the French government regarding the global financial crisis and the future of the European Union, the relationship between the administration and the government Hollande Merkel, French efforts to determine the composition of the management staff of the United Nations.

Published in North America


Monday, 09 February 2015 17:59

Eyes will be on Minsk on February 11 as Russian, French, German and Ukrainian leaders are about to discuss a peace plan to solve Ukrainian crisis since the previous agreement signed in September 2014 has not been successful: the crisis has been growing in intensity instead of slowly fading away.

France and Germany called this meeting as they fear that a point of no return might be close to being overpassed. However, there is not so much room for optimism: as UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said, it would be wrong to call it Minsk Plus since there is no official deal yet. In Belarus capital, discussions are expected to be focused on some basic measures aimed to slow the crisis down and which would lead to a new and permanent peace agreement.

Published in Europe

Will France intervene in Yemen?

Monday, 19 January 2015 18:16

Many questions could be easily raised regarding the incident in Paris. Yet, the major questions are related to the consequences of this incident that comes in a very critical moment of shaping a new strategy of combatting terrorism. It is possible to consider Paris attacks as a smaller version of New york Sept 11th . However, Paris incident can not be compared to New york, but it is enough to think of launching a second version of Fighting terrorism where France will have a leading role. This might lead us to expect some of possible consequences or French reactions to the brutal attacks.

Published in Middle East

The way Netanyahu appeared during Paris march against terrorism shows the desire of the Israeli Prime Minister to change the recent American and European pressure that Netanyahu is suffering from his role in derail Kerry’s peace proposal, refusal to stop the settlements etc. suddenly Paris attacks turned to be a manifestation of an anti-Semitism, and Jews of Europe became the main target of these attacks.

Published in Europe
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