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Thursday, 12 December 2013 22:01

After the historic phone call between Obama and the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Rohani, states that followed the tractive diplomatic ties with Tehran, and the United States, France, Britain, Russia, China and Germany (P5 + 1) and Iran have finally reached an agreement on the nuclear program of the Islamic Republic.

Published in Middle East

On last 30 of September, the first sample of the new Airbus A400M took its first flight over Seville skies. It’s a flying colossus, a strategic transport aircraft jointly designed by European industrial companies EADS and Airbus. Among all countries that ordered this new aircraft (Belgium, France, Germany, Luxemburg, Spain and United Kingdom) France is the first beneficiary. 

Published in Europe


Sunday, 17 November 2013 17:16

At about eleven months away from air attacks French in Mali that have forced the Islamists to scatter throughout the territory of the Sahara, they are now slowly beginning to return. For the new president of Mali, Ibrahim Keita Boubcar their return will lead to a further difficulty to the stabilization of the desert in the north.

Published in Africa

The Syrian government denies that he gassed his own people and has vowed to defend themselves from attack Westerners.

The majority of the population until yesterday, in favor of foreign interventions, which now seem a reality begins to worry, nourishes the justified fear that in case of intervention there may be many victims among the civilian population.

Published in Middle East


Tuesday, 25 June 2013 11:02

Eleven countries seem ready to increase their engagement in helping rebels group fighting Assad’s regime. That is what emerged from the latest “Syria Friends Group” summit hosted in Doha (Qatar, 21-22 June). Far from the 144 participants of the first Group meeting in Marrakech (12 December 2012), there were only eleven countries in Doha; and yet United States, Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and United Arab Emirates declared themselves ready and inclined to support the anti-regime guerrilla with weapons and equipment supplies. In Al-Thani, Qatar Emir, «force is necessary to achieve justice, and the provision of weapons is the only way to achieve peace in Syria's case». British Foreign Secretary William Hague declarations followed the same line, although he reiterated that London had yet to take a formal decision: «we won't get a political solution if Assad and his regime think they can eliminate all legitimate opposition by force, and so we do have to give assistance to that opposition», he said.

Published in Middle East

Is there any hope for “Geneva II”?

Sunday, 16 June 2013 17:20

The blocking of “Geneva II” by the US should make the whole region more cautious as it prolongs the Syrian crisis and increases the likelihood of the violence breaking across its borders.

This is the same America that signed “Geneva I” and abandoned it some days after by aggravating the tensions within Syria, starting with the battle in Damascus and then Aleppo directly after.

Published in Middle East
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