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"La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana" interview Amer Al Sabaileh

"Europe will not close his eyes on her internal enemies" by Stefano Magni

After two and a half days of tracking, 3 suspected jihadists killed and at least four hostages dead, two simultaneous actions of fire in Paris (Porte de Vincennes) and Dammartin-en-Goele, the nightmare began with the massacre in the preparation of Charlie Hebdo, in Paris, seems to be over. France and all European countries are wondering what kind of "monster" are facing.

Published in Europe

The attack on the satiric French journal Charlie Hebdo demonstrates that France and Europe are vulnerable. The shock caused by this attack comes together with the realization of the fact that our Continent is not the “safe heaven” we may have thought and hoped it to be.

Published in Europe

Allah Akbar

Thursday, 08 January 2015 17:52

Jihadist attack in Paris 12 deaths and five serious injuries

The attempt of Paris we interpret as September 11 European, now the war began in our cities.

Sale alert level in Rome and in other capitals, but you have to admit that they underestimated the risks to safety, especially the internal risk posed by terrorist cells isolated living quietly infiltrated in Europe and although dormant always ready to act.

Today the terrorism of jihadist moves increasingly decentralized activities where small team well trained paramilitaries can strike anywhere using the element of surprise.

Published in Europe

L'Europa ha sbagliato e ora si ritrova il nemico in casa

E' la tesi di Amer al Sabaileh, analista strategico ed esperto di terrorismo, che condanna l'Ue per la concessione di asilo politico a molti leader jihadisti

"Di fronte alla minaccia terroristica l'Europa ha sbagliato e adesso ne sta pagando le conseguenze". Sono le parole di Amer al Sabaileh, analista strategico giordano ed esperto di terrorismo. Raggiunto telefonicamente da, ha commentato la strage di Parigi e l'uccisione di 12 persone presso la sede della rivista satirica Charlie Hebdo. 

Published in Europe


Thursday, 16 October 2014 20:44

The Secretary of State John Kerry and the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov have reached an agreement, despite the crisis in Ukraine, for an increase of common intelligence about militants ISIS, putting aside brouhaha, focusing on a common enemy. 

Speaking in Paris with his Russian counterpart, Kerry said that the two world powers despite the new "Cold War", due to the role played by Russia in Ukraine, have found ways to work together on global issues although there are large differences in a number of areas. 

Published in North America


Wednesday, 21 May 2014 00:29

On Saturday 17, French President François Hollande hosted a high level summit in Paris, welcoming his political counterpart from Nigeria, Benin, Cameroon, Niger and Chad[1] in order to address the Boko Haram issue, the Islamic fundamentalist group that has attracted world attention on itself kidnapping more than 200 schoolgirls in north-eastern Nigeria last month. 

Published in Africa


Monday, 27 January 2014 22:39

More than a year after the military intervention by French in Mali, many issues related to the security environment of the entire region remain open. Although the terrorist groups operating in the Sahel have suffered some heavy defeats, they maintain a high ability to strike Western targets and continue to retreat in areas with poor control from the local governments - such as the south-west of Libya - and to strengthen the networks of their organizations.

Published in Africa

Central African Republic (CAR) keeps falling into chaos, more than 1000 people have died, nearly one million have been driven from their homes, and both French and African Union peacekeepers are struggling in their attempt of restoring general order but they are failing so far. That is why France has called the European Union for a military intervention. At present, just few European countries (Belgium, Estonia, Poland) are helping France in her Sangaris operation providing tactical support, but is not being enough.  

Published in Africa

French troops and African Union peacekeepers are currently failing in stemming violence episodes in Central African Republic (CAR), and that’s why, during 19-20 December European Council, Paris called the European Union to intervene, by force of arms and/or by budgetary support. The core of the French proposal is the creation of a multinational military force deployable within the African continent at the first signs of a crisis. Relying on such a political and military tool, if rightly planned, the EU will be able to skip the huge political and diplomatic procedure that usually foreruns a military operation. But being such a delicate matter, the whole debate has been postponed to the first 2014 European Council.  

Published in Africa

A great humanitarian crisis is still erupting in Central African Republic. The whole Country has fallen into chaos and civilian population is the first victim of the ongoing clashes between the Christian and Muslim paramilitary militias. France has already intervened supporting an African Union peacekeeping mission but, at present, the 1600 French military units running Sangaris operation are far from reaching their goal: disarming the militias, bringing them to peace-talk and consequently restoring order and security.

Published in Africa
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