L'invasione russa dell'Ucraina nel febbraio 2022 ha spinto Svezia e Finlandia, due paesi storicamente non allineati militarmente, a chiedere l'adesione alla NATO nel maggio 2022. Ventotto, dei 30 Stati membri dell'alleanza hanno già ratificato le domande di adesione alla NATO presentate da Svezia e Finlandia. Le adesioni alla Nato, richiedono l'approvazione di tutti i 30 stati membri dell'Alleanza.
Moscow is going to finance about the 80% of the costs[1] of the construction of two new nuclear reactors (out of a total of four old reactors) in the Hungarian Paks nuclear power plant (town close to Budapest). This is the gist of the agreement that Russian president Vladimir Putin and Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban signed last week, concluding a negotiation that the two countries had started in 2009. According to such agreement, Moscow is going to lend up 13,7 billion dollars[2] (about 10 billion euros) which will be used by MVM Group (state company owner of the facility) in order to increase the power plant productivity, power plant that now provides about 40% of the national needs.
While the EU continues to talk about austerity, populism and deficit, among the 28 members of the Union, there are some countries that, silently, could surprise us all: Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic, in fact, are four nations that, despite the present economic crisis forces many governments to review their balance sheets, continue to collect not simply economic successes , but political ones.
It’s not by chance that many big corporations among the most important in the world, such as Audi, IBM or Mercedes-Benz, have decided to inaugurate their new productive branches in the area that, from Tychy, reaches Budapest.