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south and north korea break for politicy crisis concept south and north korea break for politicy crisis concept

The war between North Korea and South Korea can erupt at any moment.

North Korea has seen fit to stop all communication with South Korea.

This was the last move (bad) following to increase sanctions imposed by the UN after the third nuclear test took place in February and the subsequent military exercises jointly conducted by the U.S. army on the border of Korea South.


Admiral James Winnefeld admitted that North Korea possesses missiles capable of reaching U.S. soil even if most military analysts say Pyongyang will not risk never a conflict with the U.S..

In any case, the U.S. armed forces and those of South Korea will continue to conduct military exercises (defensive in nature) until the end of April as well as continue the flight of the B-52 that have already passed over in these last days of the Korean peninsula.

In response to joint military exercises of the U.S. and South Korea North Korean military commanders ordered their artillery to target the long-range strategic missiles against U.S. bases in Guam and Hawaii, making it known that the armistice that ended the Korean War 1950-53 shall be deemed repealed in all respects.

The bellicose rhetoric North Korea is and will remain just a bluff?

We belieave yes, although it would be desirable intervention of China which has the purpose to weaken tone of Kim Jong-Un.

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Mario Neri

Law degree, postgratuated master degree in Criminology. 

International law expert and programs relating to the peacekeeping in crisis areas.

Reserve Officer of the Italian Army "Folgore". Intelligence analyst.



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