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North Korea dog that barks not bite

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North Korea North Korea

What does hope to get Kim Jong-un by its aggressive stance for now we can not know. One thing is very likely that he will move risky.

The North Korean dictator is in fact fully rely policy that has imposed the Obama administration called "Strategic Patience".

The United States, however, in response have deployed in the area B2 and B52 bombers, F22 raptors invisible to radar and anti-missile ships and to defend Guam from a missile attack the THAAD system (which is not good news to China).


It should be said, however, that the Obama administration so far has failed to stop the advance of nuclear North Korea. Since Obama has been president Pyongyang has conducted two underground nuclear explosions and several missile tests prohibited.

It is not in any way to exclude the possibility that North Korea fail to complete an attack on a ship in South Korea or the respective border. These types of attacks have already been conducted in 2010 with the sinking of a South Korean warship and the shelling of South Korean island.

Assuming that these attacks occur, triggered in what has been called a "Retaliation Proportional" in hopes of avoiding an escalation of the conflict.

Perhaps the hope of Pyongyang is just to get a renegotiation of the sanctions that were imposed by the UN or to get food aid to which so much needs.

In the turmoil created by the provocations that have had such prominence in the media, it should be noted the silence of President Obama.

The President of the United States has failed to respond personally to threats from North Korea, a strategy aimed at depriving Kim Jong-un the "presidential attention."

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Mario Neri

Law degree, postgratuated master degree in Criminology. 

International law expert and programs relating to the peacekeeping in crisis areas.

Reserve Officer of the Italian Army "Folgore". Intelligence analyst.



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