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Diplomatic tension between Russia and the Euro-Atlantic axis is increasing, and that is because of a certain number of short-range Iskander missiles (called SS-26 Stone in NATO code) have been deployed by Moscow in Kaliningrad (Russian enclave enclosed by Poland, Lithuania and the Baltic Sea) and along Estonian and Latvian borders. 

Published in Asia & Pacific

Strategic journey

Monday, 16 December 2013 19:29

Putin and Pope Francis united in the defense of Christians in the world.

The two-day Italian Vladimir Putin is positioned as a real opportunity to enable new relations between Italy, Russia and the Holy See.

Published in Italy

Civil war clouds are gathering above Central African Republic (CAR), a “lawless” country, where the number of clashes between Christians and Muslims is increasing, where armed groups have been accused of atrocities against civil population (including killings, burning villages and child soldiers conscription). That’s the alarm bell that was stressed by the United Nation in late November. 

Published in Africa


Thursday, 12 December 2013 22:01

After the historic phone call between Obama and the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Rohani, states that followed the tractive diplomatic ties with Tehran, and the United States, France, Britain, Russia, China and Germany (P5 + 1) and Iran have finally reached an agreement on the nuclear program of the Islamic Republic.

Published in Middle East

The European Union is ready to support crisis management operation AFISM-CAR led by France and the African Union which have on the whole deployed 4800 soldiers in Central African Republic (CAR). On 5 December 2013, the Political and Security Committee (PSC) of the EU endorsed the African Union request (dated 21 November) for funding support: by PSC decision, 50 million euros will sustain the mission. This 50 million aid will be mobilised through the African Peace Facility as part of the European Development Fund and will cover the costs of allowances, accommodation and feeding the troops deployed in the field, as well as salaries of civilian personnel and various operational costs such as transport, communication or medical services. 

Published in Africa

Eurosceptic Europe

Tuesday, 03 December 2013 18:58

It has been considered as a “historical day”, that of the past November 13th, when, in Brussels, Marine Le Pen, leader of the French National Front, and Geert Wilders, undisputed head of the Hague–based controversial PVV – Partij voor de Vrijheid (Party For Freedom), which caused a heated debate because of its strong anti–Islamism and its clear–cut stances on a limitation of the immigration flows in the Netherlands, have met to stipulate a strategic alliance among eurosceptic political parties to better approach the European Parliament elections, expected for the next spring.

Published in Europe

It seems incredible but exactly 50 years since the assassination of Kennedy that Dallas is still a struggle against a communist country : China.

This time it comes to Caroline Kennedy, daughter of John , U.S. Ambassador to Japan, who will have to deal with the issue of the Senkaku .

Tuesday, November 26 two unarmed B52 U.S. bombers flew over the airspace of the Senkaku Islands in order to challenge China who in the meantime had declared , in an arbitrary and one-sided that it is its own airspace.

Published in North America


Wednesday, 20 November 2013 13:15

Egypt is using billions of dollars sent by the Arab States of the Gulf its allies in order to try to stimulate the economy as well as to try to keep its streets relatively " calm " in the hope that investors and tourists can soon return .

Egypt has a huge budget deficit , an overvalued currency and an economy in deep crisis.

Published in Middle East


Saturday, 28 September 2013 22:58

Yesterday historic day for international diplomacy , President Obama phoned his Iranian counterpart Rohani . It is the first direct contact between a U.S. president and an Iranian since 1979 . A call was Barack Obama, the day on which the new leader of Tehran has imprinted to promote dialogue by saying that "We will present a close-up on nuclear power already at Geneva on 15 and 16 October . A table which will participate along with 5 +1 without placing any preconditions.

Published in Middle East

The UN speech by Rohani

Wednesday, 25 September 2013 23:52

In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful 

Praise be to God, the Lordofthe worlaÿ. Blessing andPeace be upon our Prophet Mohammad and his kin and companions.  

Mr. President, Mr. Secretary-General, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,  

At the outset, I would like to offer my most sincere felicitations on your deserved election to the presidency of the General Assembly and seize the moment to express appreciation for the valuable efforts of our distinguished Secretary-General.

Published in Middle East


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