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Egypt is using billions of dollars sent by the Arab States of the Gulf its allies in order to try to stimulate the economy as well as to try to keep its streets relatively " calm " in the hope that investors and tourists can soon return .

Egypt has a huge budget deficit , an overvalued currency and an economy in deep crisis.

Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the UAE, have already shelled out $ 12 billion in aid to Egypt after the crisis that led the Egyptian army to overthrow the president of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood Mohamed Morsi on July 3.

In 2011 there was the uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak , Egypt has since burned $ 20 billion in foreign reserves , borrowed billions of dollars from its allies, and racked up billions of debts owed to foreign oil companies support its currency.

Bites The government had entered into an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF ), which provided austerity measures, higher taxes and a reduction of subsidies, but has never been implemented.

The government - army well aware that the conditions imposed by the IMF could cause a huge popular backlash before the election has avoided the introduction of austerity measures.

In a country where protests have literally caused the " defenestration " of two presidents in the last three years, and plunged the economy into an evil spiral , the interim leaders have seen fit not to risk , and to postpone to a later date l ' introduction of any measure of rigor.

 The Western powers want a return to democracy in Egypt , remember that it has a peace treaty with Israel and controls the Suez Canal , via global trade .

What is happening today in Egypt could have repercussions both in downward or upward depending on how you put things on the rest of the region which is suffering also a political and economic crisis also as a result of the Arab Spring.

The government is said to still essential to rewrite the Constitution and call new elections , parliamentary and presidential elections , which should take place in early 2014, but not only , the government through its representatives also said that it will focus on a number of projects and infrastructure intensive work and in public projects aimed at improving living standards rapidly than 85 million Egyptians.

Foreign investors are worried about the stability , both investors and tourists will return only after they have ceased definitively political unrest.

The interim government has taken steps to reassure investors " we are reviewing all economic legislation ," the minister said investment Osama Saleh.

The tourism minister said that the government plans to launch a marketing campaign in hopes of attracting 14 million tourists in 2014.

The country can not rely upon its Gulf allies forever , aid in the long term are not sustainable by its very nature , by any of the parties involved.

© Riproduzione Riservata

Mario Neri

Law degree, postgratuated master degree in Criminology. 

International law expert and programs relating to the peacekeeping in crisis areas.

Reserve Officer of the Italian Army "Folgore". Intelligence analyst.



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