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Friday, 16 March 2018 18:18

On March 4 Sergei Skripal a former Russian military intelligence agent who betrayed dozens of Russian agents his friends and fellow soldiers to British intelligence, and his daughter were poisoned with Novichok nerve gas about 10 times more powerful than sarin.

Vil Mirzayanov, a former Soviet scientist who has contributed to the development and testing of the Novichok chemical agent who is now expatriated in New Jersey, has stated that he has no doubt that Russian President Vladimir Putin is directly responsible because Russia maintains very close control over stocks of novichok.

British Prime Minister Theresa May said that President Putin is most likely to be behind the attack and sends a 24-hour ultimatum to give directions to the British government.


Published in Europe


Monday, 12 March 2018 15:17

It is expected that President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, according to South Korean officials, may meet by the end of May 2018 even if neither the date nor the place have been set yet.

Regarding the place could be Ulan Bator (Mongolia) or from the other side Sweden or Switzerland the latter is the only country known to Kim, he studied there under a pseudonym as a young man, in fact he never leaves North Korea to avoid attacks on his person or coups.

Published in Asia & Pacific

The European Union has invited Prime Minister Theresa May to resolve the border issue, about 500km, between the Republic of Ireland, an EU member and the province of Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom.

It is the only land border between the United Kingdom and the EU except of course Gibraltar.

Theresa May stated that the whole of the United Kingdom will leave the EU single market and the customs union.

The European Union has instead insisted that the negotiations can not go on unless Britain agrees on the customs regulations, they must remain unchanged on both sides of the Irish border once the Brexit has been carried out and moreover, Brexit should not lead to the creation of a "Hard Border" with Northern Ireland.

Published in Europe


Wednesday, 07 March 2018 14:19

Sunday, March 4 in Italy there were political elections. The result is that it is almost impossible to form a new government. But the government should not be the party that won the lessons? In Italy it does not work that way, forming a government majority will be very difficult. Let's summarize the situation very briefly, in Italy there were three camps: the first was the 5-star movement that took only about 32% of the votes the second the center-right coalition, with about 37% of the votes the second the democratic party with about 20% of the votes.

Published in Italy


Wednesday, 07 March 2018 14:06

Italy last December decided to send 500 soldiers to the Sahel, in order to contain Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda, Mujao, as well as helping France to protect the uranium mines.

The European Union has decided to invest over 60 million euros in an anti-terrorism force composed of over 11,000 men in the African Sahel. Radicalization and trafficking in human beings are the main threats of the region.

Published in Africa

Jordan’s foreign relations

Monday, 01 January 2018 22:40

In recent weeks, there has been much commentary in Jordan on the importance of taking a new approach to Jordan’s bilateral relations. Strategically, it is imperative that Jordan continues to diversify its options, but this must be done with a clear plan and idea rather than clichés and propaganda.

Global political dynamics have shifted, particularly with respect to the Middle East. From the Syrian crisis to the first dual Chinese and Russian UN Security Council veto in 2012, the ground has been shifting beneath us for a few years now. We must rebuild our bilateral relations based on these changes, and the potential changes over the coming years.

Published in Middle East

US plan to Isolate Iran

Sunday, 19 November 2017 23:32

The resignation of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri two weeks ago is an indicator of potential local escalation with Hezbollah and regional escalation with Iran. The expectation of imminent escalation with Hezbollah has existed for months, as the end of the crisis in Syria was likely to turn the regional focus to the Iranian-backed group.

Over a decade ago we saw a similar escalation with the assassination of then Lebanese Prime Minister and Saad’s father, Rafiq Hariri in 2005 and the eventual war against Hezbollah in 2006. Back then Iran was much weaker and less influential, and the US had more political capital and had more resources in the region.

Published in North America


Thursday, 16 November 2017 19:57

La forma più comune della classificazione delle  armi chimiche è quella che si basa sugli effetti provocati sull’organismo per questo motivo imputare i decessi a seguito del presunto bombardamento siriano al Gas Sarin è quanto di più improbabile ed inesatto si possa sostenere.

Il gas Sarin è un agente nervino, può essere liquido od aeriforme ed è incolore ed inodore.

Non ha persistenza nell’aria e si dissolve  rapidamente a seconda delle condizioni meteo.

Le dosi letali vanno considerate tra 100 LCt 50 (11) e  1700 LD 50 (12) quindi siamo di fronte a diversi tipi di composti che si utilizzano a seconda delle circostanze di attacco e di distribuzione aerea in considerazione, come già detto delle condizioni meteo al momento dell’azione.

Published in Middle East

The new concept of National security

Sunday, 12 November 2017 23:22

In a dynamic atmosphere like the Middle East, the concept of national security needs to be revised in order to successfully meet the challenges by providing effective and efficient tools to develop a more resilient society.

The new concept of national security cannot be limited to military and security issues as it has in recent years. It must successfully protect both citizens and the state against all threats and dangers. In order to do this we must include a wider range of issues such as diplomacy, micro-economic development, economic power, inter and intra state relations as well as internal and external communications.

Published in Middle East

USA fake

Thursday, 13 April 2017 12:47

Dopo le denunce verbali senza riscontri, dopo le dichiarazioni dei militari americani che dicono al mondo di aver visto dal satellite che l’aviazione siriana di Assad bombardava con il gas sarin la popolazione civile anche questa volta senza riscontri e senza aver portato i tracciati da cui inequivocabilmente sarebbe stato possibile capire se l’attacco chimico era stato programmato da Assad, ecco l’ennesimo colpo di scena.

Published in North America


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