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Dossier su test nucleari nascosti

Tuesday, 21 March 2017 21:23

Quando si parla di disastri nucleari viene subito in mente quello del 1986 alla centrale di Chernobyl... questo perché se ne è parlato moltissimo. Ma quanti sono gli episodi analoghi avvenuti senza che vi sia stata notizia? Stando ad un dossier pubblicato sulla rivista New Scientist, elaborato dall'Istituto di biofisica moscovita, nel 1956 ben 600 persone furono ricoverate in ospedale a seguito degli effetti dovuti all'elevato numero di test nucleari condotti nel poligono di Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan.

Published in Asia & Pacific

Rex Tillerson segretario di stato americano è in Cina quando riceve notizia dell'annuncio di Kim Jong-un leader nordcoreano, sul test del nuovo tipo di motore ad alta spinta per alimentare i propri missili. Quella che viene definita "nuova nascita" dalla Corea del Nord in realtà è una stabile crescita, già pianificata e prevista.

Published in Asia & Pacific

Libia - brief report 7-10-2016

Friday, 07 October 2016 17:39

Il generale Haftar persiste nel suo lavoro di rafforzamento della sua figura nell’est della Libia, guadagnando di giorno in giorno maggiori poteri. I recenti successi militari dell’esercito di Haftar hanno permesso al settore petrolifero di rilanciarsi, secondo dati recenti la compagnia petrolifera libica Arabian Gulf Oil Company (AGOCO) ha aumentato la produzione di petrolio fino a circa 300 mila barili al giorno, inoltre secondo quanto riportato dalla National Oil Company (NOC) l’output petrolifero il Libia è salito a 485 mila barili al giorno. La ripresa della produzione è avvenuta immediatamente dopo la riconquista da parte di Haftar dei porti di Sidra, Ras Lanuf, Zueitina e Marsa al Brega, l’insieme delle infrastrutture che costituiscono la mezzaluna petrolifera. Entro la fine del 2016 la Libia potrebbe arrivare a produrre quasi un milione di barili al giorno di petrolio, segnando una svolta nel settore dal 2011. 

Published in Africa


Wednesday, 24 February 2016 18:33

Libya is in full civil war as well as without a Constitution. The Constitution must be drafted by a committee chosen from three regions and will have to take into account the various interests federalist rivals as well as requests from the various tribes fighting each other.

The Libyans federalists are based on old divisions arose before the date when Gaddafi came to power in 1969.

The declarations of independence of Cyrenaica and Fezzan region of the South are likely to aggravate the Libyan chaos with a weak government paralyzed by inertia and armed militias with little popular support, Tripoli is held hostage.

Published in Africa


Tuesday, 06 October 2015 15:58

Come tutti sapete, nel gioco degli scacchi il cavallo si muove ad elle sulla scacchiera, va avanti ed indietro ed incide sulla vittoria finale.

In questa altalena riesce a bloccare le mosse dell’avversario oppure a confondere il gioco.

Published in Middle East

Internal Affairs and Immigration

Tuesday, 22 September 2015 00:47

Criminal organizations that traffic in human beings from North Africa, Syria and other countries with no economic and social stability have slowly changed the techniques of management of migration flows.

For about a month, in fact, they have opened their market sad to small entrepreneurs, traders and ordinary citizens who dream of making money on the skin of thousands of people who flee their countries.

In particular, the Syrian refugees who have chosen the corridor turkish from Bodrum takes them to the island of Kos and then in Europe, this new route has developed a thriving market for inflatable boats, life jackets, marine equipment of various kinds, watertight containers for food and electronic means; in short, everything you need for a journey of a few miles, you reach Kos from Bodrum in about an hour's sail at a speed of 15 \ 18 knots.

Published in Europe

Ukraine: the political fight continues

Tuesday, 15 September 2015 19:00

A new wave of veiled and cautious optimism has been going along with this September 2015. In late August, Ukrainian and separatist forces reached a tacit agreement on a new truce to be started on September 1st. In most cases, the media have been describing this new ceasefire as holding up. However, OSCE’s Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) reports show that, despite the fact that ceasefire violations drastically decreased since September 1st, fighting sporadically continued (especially around Donetsk on September 5 and 7). So, no doubt that the overall situation in Donbass region is now quieter and safer than it used to be weeks ago, but, there is still much more to be done.

As OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier put it, "the cease-fire now has being holding for more than 10 days and that's good news, because that is opening now the space to make progress on a political level" (source: AP).


Published in Europe

Abbas leaves the PLO

Wednesday, 26 August 2015 17:17

Arabija the surprise announcement that Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) has resigned as president of the Organization for the Liberation of Palestine along with nine members of the executive committee, although they were still at the head of the political structure.

Published in Middle East

Seoul and Pyongyang reach agreement

Tuesday, 25 August 2015 14:39

Early on Tuesday, Seoul and Pyongyang reached agreement to end the crisis that began last week

Talks between North and South Korea started Saturday evening, after the 48 hour North Korean ultimatum expired.

According to the agreement, Seoul will stop all loudspeaker propaganda broadcasts (Measure 3) while Pyongyang will lift the semi-war state that was declared on Friday (Measure 4).

Published in Asia & Pacific

On Thursday afternoon, North Korea fired a rocket at South Korean positions. A second attack was reported and according to Col. Jeon Ha-gyu (South Korean military spokesman) it consisted in several rounds of 76.2 mm direct weapons. South Korea retaliated with a dozen 155 mm howitzer shells. No casualties have been reported so far.

This is the most relevant episode in five years. Three factors play a role here: the explosion of a mine earlier this month that injured two South Korean soldiers who belonged to a border patrol unit; the broadcast of South Korean propaganda messages via loudspeakers along the border; and an annual US-South Korea joint military exercise that started on Monday.

Published in Asia & Pacific


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