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The endless massacre

Tuesday, 18 August 2015 13:04

Libyan militias continue unabated to take on immigrants with the inevitable unbearable number of victims. Certainly every crossing captures all the inherent risk of having accidents but the current situation is declined now, with a disproportionate number of deaths in each trip.

Published in Africa

Ucraina: la “partita” continua

Thursday, 13 August 2015 14:00

Oltre sei mesi dopo la firma posta sugli accordi di Minsk, la situazione in Ucraina orientale non offre garanzie. Eppure, durante il mese di luglio, è stato registrato un numero di violazioni del cessate il fuoco inferiore rispetto ai mesi precedenti. Una lettura in chiave scettica è, tuttavia, obbligatoria dato il re-intensificarsi degli scontri nelle ultime 24/48 ore. La città di Donetsk e il villaggio di Shyrokyne continuano ad essere epicentro dei “combattimenti” tra le forze ucraine e quelle indipendentiste, e lungo tutta la linea di contatto la tensione resta alta. Inoltre, la popolazione civile continua a far fronte a serie problematiche, quali la mancanza di acqua, energia elettrica, assistenza medica etc.[1]

Published in Europe


Thursday, 13 August 2015 07:24

He made good on President Barack Obama to negotiate an agreement with Iran (which puts an end to economic sanctions) in exchange for a promise that the development of Iran's nuclear serve only for civilian purposes and not for military purposes?

Essentially Iran has formally committed itself to abandon its program for nuclear weapons.

International sanctions against Iran have been definitely effective because they have created an economic incentive for Iran to sit at the negotiating table.

Analysts, however, accuses Iran of sponsoring international terrorism in particular to be the largest contributor to Hezbollah.

Published in Middle East

Central African Republic Crisis

Political violence has been a constant element in Central African Republic (CAR) history. Since 2012, after a 3 year civil war (2004-2007), the Country has been facing a new crisis. After 5/6 months of “gestation”, the actual crisis burst out in March 2013 when Muslim Séléka militias overrun CAR’s Capital (Bangui) forcing President Bozize to flee. In the following months, the crisis lost its early link with political fight and became a pure interreligious conflict: Muslims against Christians, Séléka militias against anti-balaka militias. The very victim of the conflict has been the non-fighting population. 

Published in Africa

Recent major developments (political, security, etc.) In the Middle East represent a challenge that seriously jeopardizes the identity of this region. In addition, the rise of sectarian atmosphere "ethnic-religious" increases the risks that arise especially with the growing state of psychological division that now dominates the mentality of a majority of citizens in the Middle East.

Among the most important challenges facing the Middle East today is the idea of the impossibility of coexistence between the peoples of the region, which requires an application to the Division-based religious or ethnic or sectarian. This simply means a complex recipe that will lead to a fragmentation of the long term.

Published in Middle East

Aleppo the new Sarajevo

Sunday, 26 July 2015 14:45

Aleppo has been forgotten by the media but it is there that he continues to fight for three years. The electricity comes for a few hours a day and the water is missing in almost all quarters; of the 2.5 million inhabitants of prewar population today according to our estimates reaches just over 250 thousand units of: Christians from 200 thousand are now approximately 70,000. The city that was considered the Syrian Milan is divided in two: the West the government, to the east of the so-called rebels who are now indefinite militias with men recovered everywhere, no real political and religious reasons but simply motivated by the power that the war itself transmits.

Published in Middle East

Turkey attacks the Isis on Syrian border

Saturday, 25 July 2015 18:34

With improper delay the turkish government decides to get serious in contrast to the militias Isis heavily bombarding a column of terrorists on the border turkish Syrian. So far so explicit action never happened; We are therefore faced with a watershed political: today Turkey has a more ambiguous position of opposition Daesh.

Published in Middle East

The purpose of this short report is to sum up what happened in May and June in Donbass region and to outline the most relevant issues that civilians have to face.

Fighting between Ukrainian Army and DPR-LPR forces aside, people are struggling with:

1-      Lack of water, electricity, gas and fuel;

2-      Presence of mines and/or unexploded ordnance (UXOs);

3-      Economic problems;

4-      Health Care-related issues;

5-      Issues related to civilians’ freedom of movement.

Published in Europe

Tsipras asked no to square

Saturday, 04 July 2015 22:17

The referendum question on Sunday is not obvious as it seems in favor of the greek prime minister. Greece production has decisively turned away from Tsipras that in fact has never loved in a special way. Traders, small and medium entrepreneurs together oligarchy shipowners July 5 will vote "Nai" is "yes" in greek, because they want to remain firmly bound to the Euro and Europe. This week in the television debates has highlighted the great fear of the jump in the dark in case of a possible victory of the no, traders have considered absolutely negative to the total isolation that could materialize with the exit of Greece from the euro.

Published in Europe

Tf45 operates in Ramadi

Sunday, 28 June 2015 16:20

Although the Italian Government does not confirm the news, special units of Task Force 45 are from a few days involved in offensive operations in Ramadi with the aim of organizing, together with the rebuilt Iraqi army actions in preparation for the resumption of control in the strategic region of which insists Ramadi. Recall that the Iraqi city being a key road junction has played and is of extreme importance for the defense of Baghdad itself is just 80 km.

Published in Middle East


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