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Seoul and Pyongyang reach agreement

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Early on Tuesday, Seoul and Pyongyang reached agreement to end the crisis that began last week

Talks between North and South Korea started Saturday evening, after the 48 hour North Korean ultimatum expired.

According to the agreement, Seoul will stop all loudspeaker propaganda broadcasts (Measure 3) while Pyongyang will lift the semi-war state that was declared on Friday (Measure 4).

The parties also agreed to hold talks between their authorities to improve North-South ties (Measure 1); to arrange reunions of separated families and relatives from the North and the South (Measure 5); and to vitalize NGO exchanges in various fields (Measure 6). Moreover, North Korea expressed regret over the mine explosion that wounded two South Korean soldiers in the south side's area of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) early this month (Measure 2): it may be considered as tacit claim of responsibility since officially Pyongyang has always denied laying the landmines.

However, the real power of this agreement should not be overestimated. A dialogue between the North and the South seems to be a wish more than an item in the actual political agenda. Moreover, Seoul has no intention to lower their guard for now: in fact, as Defence Minister Kim Min-seok put it, "[South Korea will] maintain its defence posture for the possibility of another provocation".

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Alessandro Mazzilli

Degree in International Relations at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Turin.

Expert in Foreign Policy of Defence and Security and the relationships Euro - Atlantic.

Geopolitical analyst.

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