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Return the war in Gaza

Friday, 22 August 2014 08:20

From the strip have been launched so far 175 rockets (IDF source) for recommenced against air raids of 'idf which resulted in the ranks of more than 20 Palestinians dead. The attacks have focused on building in the district of Sheikh Radwan hoping to bring down the Hamas resistance after several weeks of fighting.

Published in Middle East

Men and means Russians in Ukraine

Thursday, 21 August 2014 17:49

From border crossings still controlled by pro-Russian in recent days have passed armored tanks and men (do not refer to the exact number because it would certainly be inaccurate) it is estimated, however - from confidential sources - for about 150 armored personnel carriers, thirty wagons and 1,200 armed men.

Published in Europe

Italian arms to the peshmerga

Wednesday, 20 August 2014 19:56

After meeting this morning between the prime minister Renzi and the leaders Iraqis and Kurds, sending weapons to the Italian Kurdish guerrillas is a done deal and the vote of the Italian Parliament on the issue is only an exercise in rhetoric. Moreover, the time to think on the subject is no longer there if you want to stop the advance of ISIS. The bulk of the weapons that Italy is going to send is part of a seizure occurred during the Balkan war of a substantial quantity of AK 47 guns and also laser pointers, body armor and communications systems.

Published in Italy

Europe belatedly stands ready to provide the peshmerga arms to oppose the advance of the jihadists ISIS. Today Italy has officially moved and as pacifists unstuck from reality criticize the Italian action at least we went out hypocrisy.

Published in Italy

United States president Barak Obama authorised airstrike in Iraq against Islamic State (IS) Sunni jihadist militias. There are no doubts that US intervention could make a difference, but the real question is: by how much?

Published in Middle East

1.     Introduction

The purpose of this article is to analyse:

the Iraqi crisis (2nd paragraph),

the Iranian nuclear development issue (3rd paragraph),

the Ukrainian crisis (4th paragraph).

Published in Middle East


Wednesday, 02 July 2014 17:44

ISIL offensive is throwing Iraq into chaos: the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, having started a heavy guerrilla against Iraqi government in early June, turned Iraq into a black hole from which nothing can escape. 

Published in Middle East


Thursday, 05 June 2014 20:06

It seems like the balance of forces in Syria has hardly changed since the beginning of the civil war in 2011: apparently, neither the loyalists nor the rebel forces have the capability of overpowering one another.

Now, abandoning any kind of rhetoric, it is clear that, in terms of international security, a stuck conflict is far preferable rather than having one of the two parties victorious. Although it may appear to be an out-of-place statement, imagining the possible alternative scenario would be enough to see how truthful it is.

Published in Middle East


Tuesday, 03 June 2014 16:21

(Oggi, 3 Giugno 2014, la Siria è pronta per le prime elezioni presidenziali a più candidati della sua storia, denunciate dall’opposizione come farsa. La sfida è a tre, Bashar al Assad, Maher al Hajjar e Hassan al Nouri)

BACKGROUND: un punto sulla situazione

Published in Middle East

Bakwa – Afghanistan

Friday, 23 May 2014 02:15

Two Italian AMX fighter based out of Herat destroyed the military last May 19 a powerful booster for radio communications, placed by the Taliban in the hills of the district of Bakwa. 

The repeater was located accurately by the intelligence of the "Regular Command West" and the high-resolution images acquired by the "Predator B 'unmanned vehicles.

Published in Middle East


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