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Wednesday, 21 May 2014 22:45

Anonymous sources in Nigeria said they had had contact with European governments and not for the search of the kidnapped girls from neighboring groups to Boko Haram .

In particular, the U.S., Britain and France have already sent in the area affected military specialists , investigators and former military elite units now used for their previous experience in the liberation of the hostages.

Published in Africa


Wednesday, 21 May 2014 00:29

On Saturday 17, French President François Hollande hosted a high level summit in Paris, welcoming his political counterpart from Nigeria, Benin, Cameroon, Niger and Chad[1] in order to address the Boko Haram issue, the Islamic fundamentalist group that has attracted world attention on itself kidnapping more than 200 schoolgirls in north-eastern Nigeria last month. 

Published in Africa


Saturday, 03 May 2014 18:01

Ukraine has fallen into chaos. This seems to be the harsh reality after last two-day events. The umpteenth separatist action took place on Tuesday and it consisted in the occupation of prosecutor's office in Donetsk. Kiev made her move on Friday and launched a large-scale operation aiming to reconquer Slavyansk, a town belonging to Donetsk Oblast that has been under separatists control since early April and where OSCE observers were thought to be kept as hostages[1]. While the army was surrounding the city and trying to reach its centre (operation that has been impeded by civilians, which are openly supporting separatist forces), new clashes between pro-Russia and pro-Kiev supporters burst in Odessa: 42 people were killed and other 125 were injured[2].

Published in Europe


Tuesday, 22 April 2014 22:28

SAccording to Reuters news agency, at least 35 Al-Qaeda’s militants were killed in two UAV strikes (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) carried out on Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 in Yemen[1]. These new strikes are part of the ongoing campaign against international terrorism that the United States are managing in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. Washington hasn’t commented the fact yet but it is almost impossible to rule US involvement out: these attacks are likely to be the White House response to the AQAP (Al-Qaeda in the Arabic Peninsula) attempt to gather about 100 militants in Yemen as testified by a video broadcasted by the CNN[2].

Published in North America

What happened to the European willingness to intervene in Central African Republic to solve the humanitarian crisis? Hard to say, but it seems that things are not going as they were intended to. On the 10th of February the European Union Council authorised the peacekeeping military mission EUFOR RCA[1] but nothing concrete has been achieved yet.

Published in Africa


Friday, 04 April 2014 00:00

Russia's role in international affairs has declined, at least temporarily, Moscow was de facto excluded from the Group of 8 industrialized powers .

The attempt by President Vladimir Putin of using the BRICS emerging powers in order to mitigate the isolation imposed by the West failed because of disputes with China and India about Tibet and Kashmir.

Published in Europe


Tuesday, 25 March 2014 14:24

Relating to the Crimean crisis, two norms of international law must be taken into consideration. The first one is known as “the right to self-determination” and states that every people has the right to choose its own political status and that it can be done, for instance, by gaining independence or by full integration within another state. The second one is called “domestic sovereignty”: it means that a state has actual control within its borders and a violation of this norm occurs whenever a foreign presence in its territory is proved real and unauthorised.

Published in Europe


Tuesday, 04 March 2014 23:26

President Vladimir Putin says that he had the right to invade Ukraine to protect Russian interests as well as Russian citizens after months of popular unrest , and the fall of Yanucovich , denies the intention of " annexing " the Crimea and adds that only citizens can and must decide their future.

Published in Europe


Monday, 03 March 2014 13:55

After having assisted to the “political elimination” of former Ukrainian president Yanukovyc, the focus of international public attention switched from Kiev to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the Ukrainian peninsula on the northern coast of the Black Sea, a region in which about the 60% of its population belongs to the Russian ethnic group.

Published in Europe


Thursday, 27 February 2014 14:18

The last weekend some shots fired by armed men shook the central area of Bangkok.

In Bangkok bombs, gunfire and events covered , for about four months in normal daily life.

A grenade exploded on Sunday in Bangkok's central business district and killing two people.

Published in Asia & Pacific


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