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Ukraine has fallen into chaos. This seems to be the harsh reality after last two-day events. The umpteenth separatist action took place on Tuesday and it consisted in the occupation of prosecutor's office in Donetsk. Kiev made her move on Friday and launched a large-scale operation aiming to reconquer Slavyansk, a town belonging to Donetsk Oblast that has been under separatists control since early April and where OSCE observers were thought to be kept as hostages[1]. While the army was surrounding the city and trying to reach its centre (operation that has been impeded by civilians, which are openly supporting separatist forces), new clashes between pro-Russia and pro-Kiev supporters burst in Odessa: 42 people were killed and other 125 were injured[2].

As a result, the Ukrainian crisis seems to be mounting on instead of flagging. Moreover, since it seems there are no valuable options to stop it for good, people start seeing in these events the first blazes of a civil war: tension between the two sides is incredibly high at the moment and it doesn’t take much to reach the proverbial point of no return. 

Despite all of this, politics and diplomacy proved themselves incapable of improving the situation: Russia asked and obtained an emergency meeting of UN Security Council but nothing but disappointment came out of it: reciprocal accusations were the only things that they had to offer.

[1] They were released this morning (source: Interfax).


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Alessandro Mazzilli

Degree in International Relations at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Turin.

Expert in Foreign Policy of Defence and Security and the relationships Euro - Atlantic.

Geopolitical analyst.

Consultant Services Stuarding and security checks.


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