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The protests in Ukraine started at the end of November exactly November 21 when President Yanukovych has arbitrarily set aside a long-awaited trade agreement that would " depth " ties with the EU and called on the contrary to what the people wanted , greater support to Russia. This sparked a series of popular demonstrations pro EU have gradually increased in number and intensity.

The protesters have set up their headquarters in a large tent camp in the main square in the center of Kiev.

The anti-government protesters have occupied the headquarters of the Ministry of Justice as well as four other buildings including the town hall.

The Minister of Justice Elena Lukash said that he would ask the National Security Council to impose a state of emergency if the protesters will not abandon the building of the Ministry of Justice.

If in Ukraine will be imposed a state of emergency would not get another result that a violent explosion of anger from the protesters who have clashed with police several times during the past week , clashes that killed 3 protesters.

"We are ready to assume our responsibilities", said the opposition leader Arseniy Yatsenyuk the man to whom Yanukovych had offered to do the prime minister.

Yatsenyuk declined the offer for now warning that it will be the people themselves to choose their own leaders and no one else.

"We have to change not only the government but the rules of the game" so you're espresso former boxer Vitaly Klitschko and added "We are confident that the fight will continue".

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov has resigned immediately accepted by Yanukovych.

The protest movement has turned into a mass demonstration definitely in favor of the entry of Ukraine into the EU but also against bad governance and corruption so widely perceived under the guidance of Yanukovych.

Russia has stepped up its warnings against international interference in Ukraine EU officials warned to avoid interference and warned the U.S. from uttering statements that could further ignite the minds

For now the Ukraine must fight alone.

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Mario Neri

Law degree, postgratuated master degree in Criminology. 

International law expert and programs relating to the peacekeeping in crisis areas.

Reserve Officer of the Italian Army "Folgore". Intelligence analyst.



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