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Truce and penalties

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Despite the ceasefire in place between the Kremlin and Ukraine, the United States and the EU to impose heavy penalties Putin. This time they were impressed with the interests of all of the closest collaborators of the Russian Prime Minister that in addition to being the oligarchs who run almost all the resources of the country have also held political weight. The Russian economy is in fact based on a methodology in which post-capitalist politicians are also entrepreneurs and managers by superimposing their own interests to those of the party running in this way strategic decisions with greater speed without any opposition both inside and outside in essence a sort of economic monarchy. 

The United States has hit with sanctions on Russian energy sector significantly limiting Soviet exports in particular the Gazprom Group's largest exporter of gas to Europe has suffered enormous damage. 

The EU instead directed the sanctions in the financial field by limiting the energy groups access to the capital market, the companies concerned have Sherbank, Rosneft, Transneft and Gaspromneft. It 'clear that the tactic USA - EU tends to make quickly Putin arrive to an agreement to avoid future interference in Russian in Ukraine without sacrificing the country's accession to the European Community. For his part, Putin will not accept passively the circumstances described firmly opposed to having the border Nato EU USA. L 'agreement must therefore be sought in other words, probably with a territory to Russian influence unanimously accepted at the border of the former Soviet Union.

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Claudio Sciarma

Degree in Investigation and Security Sciences cum laude. He developed a thesis in collaboration with Ra.C.I.S. of Rome and the company Leica Geosystems on the reconstruction of the crime scene using the laser scanner. 

Master degree in Social Research for Internal and External Security developing a thesis called "investigate with search engine - Google as mean of business intelligence"

Postgraduate master degree in Security Languages.

Certificate of arab language and culture at the Foreign Languages School of the Italian Army.

Intelligence analyst.

Webmaster, webdesigner and expert SEO. Specialized in telecommunication fraud detection, he worked with the GAO of the Italian Finance Police. Expert in P.P.A. (advanced personal protection), terrorist attacks analysis, international security, transport security, events planning, personal protection devices analysis. Volunteer in the Italian Army (2010-2012), assigned to the Foreign Languages School of the Italian Army. 

Founding member of the Italian Association of Investigation and Security Sciences.

Codirector of the monthly magazine on line "ConVincere".




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