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We have arrived at a critical moment about the interests of Europe and the United States in Ukraine.

The annexation of the Crimea to Russia and the occupation of the Donbass, have irrevocably altered the delicate balance of power in Ukraine at both regional and national level is the relative balance among the most powerful oligarchs in the country.

Ukrainians seem to have little confidence in the current constellation of political leaders and their promises.

For over 25 years the United States has supported the Ukraine on the basis of common values and interests.

Politicians, parties and many new civic groups all seek the support of the United States and increasingly close ties with Washington.

But Washington should approve politicians in Kiev using the same degree of caution and circumspection that use the Ukrainian people that even supports them.

Maybe Washington should stop believing they can be an active player in Ukrainian politics in order to achieve the desired change.

In contrast the US goal should be to work on the general problems that create instability and threaten the future of Ukraine: the dire state of the economy and the conflict with Russia.

Washington should work with Kiev to lay the foundations of a bilateral strategic partnership that should be based on a clear definition of common interests as well as on realistic expectations about the short medium and long term starting with the need that all parties implement the agreements Minsk Ukraine.

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Mario Neri

Law degree, postgratuated master degree in Criminology. 

International law expert and programs relating to the peacekeeping in crisis areas.

Reserve Officer of the Italian Army "Folgore". Intelligence analyst.



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