The attack on the satiric French journal Charlie Hebdo demonstrates that France and Europe are vulnerable. The shock caused by this attack comes together with the realization of the fact that our Continent is not the “safe heaven” we may have thought and hoped it to be.
The attempt of Paris we interpret as September 11 European, now the war began in our cities.
Sale alert level in Rome and in other capitals, but you have to admit that they underestimated the risks to safety, especially the internal risk posed by terrorist cells isolated living quietly infiltrated in Europe and although dormant always ready to act.
Today the terrorism of jihadist moves increasingly decentralized activities where small team well trained paramilitaries can strike anywhere using the element of surprise.
"Di fronte alla minaccia terroristica l'Europa ha sbagliato e adesso ne sta pagando le conseguenze". Sono le parole di Amer al Sabaileh, analista strategico giordano ed esperto di terrorismo. Raggiunto telefonicamente da, ha commentato la strage di Parigi e l'uccisione di 12 persone presso la sede della rivista satirica Charlie Hebdo.
New developments in Ukraine-Russia dispute over gas supplies: Russian gas company Gazprom is about to restart gas flow to Ukraine and Europe thanks to a three-sided agreement signed by Ukraine, Russia and the European Union on October 31.
«Today, the government takes the decision to recognise the state of Palestine», this is the announcement made by Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs Margot Wallstrom. Swedish government has been considering this move since early October and today (October 30, 2014) the decision is official.
With every passing month, the evolution of the hot Ukrainian question is delivering the international political scene a really unusual Germany: the analysts do not harbour any doubts about it. For decades we have been accustomed to the image of a country that was forced by his lumbering past to limit its initiatives in the international scene to the field of the cooperation for economical development –certainly a meritorious contribution-, refusing to play a leading role in the international political-military balances. In other words, Germany had to do everything possible to try to remove all traces of his aggressive nationalism, swept away along with the famous first verse of the German national anthem, "Deutschland über alles in der Welt".
“There can be no reasoning, no negotiation, with this brand of evil. The only language understood by killers like this is the language of force”[1]. With these words US President Barack Obama addressed the 69th UN General Assembly while talking about Islamic State issue adding that “the United States of America will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death”[2].
Scottish independence referendum produced its verdict: people chose to keep the “status quo”. In fact, 55,30% of Scottish voters (about 2 million votes) answered “no” to the question “do you want to obtain independence?” . This result would mean a missed chance to someone and the triumph of tradition to someone else. It’s pretty obvious though that many were relieved in the City: to understand why, it would be enough to think about how many problems would have arisen over Her Majesty army bases management if Scotland had voted in favour of independence.
Despite the ceasefire in place between the Kremlin and Ukraine, the United States and the EU to impose heavy penalties Putin. This time they were impressed with the interests of all of the closest collaborators of the Russian Prime Minister that in addition to being the oligarchs who run almost all the resources of the country have also held political weight. The Russian economy is in fact based on a methodology in which post-capitalist politicians are also entrepreneurs and managers by superimposing their own interests to those of the party running in this way strategic decisions with greater speed without any opposition both inside and outside in essence a sort of economic monarchy.