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“A Martian Odyssey”: that’s how Stanley Weinbaum entitled one science fiction novel of his in 1994. Same words are oddly suitable in presenting Domenico Quirico’s story.

He disappeared on 9 April in Syria and he returned home on 9 September, finally free again. Quirico has forcedly spent five months into Syrian arid lands, through what he has himself defined as «a sort of an Odyssey» through a prison term experienced within «bombs, breaks and humiliation». He felt it was just like living on the Red Planet: «as though I’ve lived on Mars for five months. And I discovered that Martians are evil […] In detention? They did not treat me properly». Those were Quirico’s first words, words that have been spoken as soon as he landed in Italy.

Quirico was driven in Syria by the desire of narrating both the rebellion and civil war as he directly experienced them. He felt nevertheless betrayed by the revolution itself since the revolution has changed its purposes overtime: «it’s not the Aleppo laic revolution anymore, it has become something else» he declared to the media. Then, taking part in Ballarò TV broadcast, Quirico revealed that nowadays bandits and profit had replaced early revolution’s militants and political ideals. 

Such a feeling is actually spread in almost the entire Western world already, a passive viewer composed world that has passively observed the Syrian crisis widening itself and affecting the whole world. Quirico’s story seems able to testify the Arab Spring myth is fallen. Thus, while international leaders quarrel demagogically each others claiming Syrian state’s sovereignty or abhorring over chemical weapons deployment, what is unlikely to change is common Syrian people suffering since they are trapped under the state army and fragmented revolutionary front’s crossfire.

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Alessandro Mazzilli

Degree in International Relations at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Turin.

Expert in Foreign Policy of Defence and Security and the relationships Euro - Atlantic.

Geopolitical analyst.

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