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Sunday, March 4 in Italy there were political elections. The result is that it is almost impossible to form a new government. But the government should not be the party that won the lessons? In Italy it does not work that way, forming a government majority will be very difficult. Let's summarize the situation very briefly, in Italy there were three camps: the first was the 5-star movement that took only about 32% of the votes the second the center-right coalition, with about 37% of the votes the second the democratic party with about 20% of the votes.

From an initial analysis it would seem that there are only 3 possibilities: the first 5-Star Movement and the League, that is, the party that won the prize in the center-right coalition; the second Movement 5 stars and democratic party feasible perhaps with the resignation of the PD secretary Matteo Renzi; the third coalition of center right and democratic party that is "right" and "left" (the same ones who voted the absurd electoral law) together to keep the 5 stars that have won the elections in practice a true restoration of the scientific regime hypothesis according to me more accredited. In the remote hypothesis that the "populist" parties should govern, it is perhaps important to reassure our European partners nothing will be put into practice of what was declared during electoral propaganda, there will not be, nor an exit of Italy from Europe because the Italy can not afford it according to why there is no more pro-European country than Italy, nor an exit from Italy from the euro do you imagine Italians going to buy oil with the lirect smile is not it? In Italy with the elections nobody has practically won but above all no one has lost the goal achieved.


Mario Neri

Law degree, postgratuated master degree in Criminology. 

International law expert and programs relating to the peacekeeping in crisis areas.

Reserve Officer of the Italian Army "Folgore". Intelligence analyst.



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