Sono trascorsi 25 anni. "Il testimone è nelle mani dei colleghi di Alpi e Hrovatin, dei giornalisti italiani, di quanti avvertono come un dovere onorare quell'impegno di coerente professionalità che, a Mogadiscio, gli assassini hanno voluto colpire. La libertà di stampa è il termometro della salute democratica di un Paese. Va coltivata e irrobustita ogni giorno e centrale è la responsabilità delle istituzioni democratiche affinché siano sempre promossi i principi della nostra Costituzione e delle dichiarazioni internazionali in argomento". Lo dichiara il Presidente della Repubblica, Sergio Mattarella, in occasione del 25esimo anniversario dell'uccisione di Ilaria Alpi e Miran Hrovatin.
"Ore 9,03 del 16 marzo 1978 a Roma. Una telefonata anonima al 113 segnala colpi d'arma da fuoco in via Fani. Dentro un'Alfa Romeo Alfetta il cadavere della guardia di Pubblica Sicurezza Giulio Rivera ed il corpo agonizzante del vice brigadiere di Pubblica Sicurezza Francesco Zizzi; dentro la Fiat 130 che precedeva l'Alfetta, i cadaveri dell'appuntato dei Carabinieri Domenico Ricci e del maresciallo dei Carabinieri Oreste Leonardi; a terra la guardia di Pubblica Sicurezza Raffaele Iozzino.
Sunday, March 4 in Italy there were political elections. The result is that it is almost impossible to form a new government. But the government should not be the party that won the lessons? In Italy it does not work that way, forming a government majority will be very difficult. Let's summarize the situation very briefly, in Italy there were three camps: the first was the 5-star movement that took only about 32% of the votes the second the center-right coalition, with about 37% of the votes the second the democratic party with about 20% of the votes.
Si è svolta ieri, 9 novembre, alla presenza del Presidente del Consiglio On. Matteo Renzi, ed altri componenti del Governo, la cerimonia di inaugurazione dell’anno accademico 2016/2017 della Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia.
Crisi umanitarie, politiche e ruoli dei Paesi del Mediterraneo.
A Stintino torna Dialogando con un convegno che metterà a confronto esperti del settore. L'incontro sarà anche l'occasione per inaugurare il nuovo presepe a grandezza naturale che quest'anno si arricchisce di nuove statue.
After the 13 November, is not to say that they are good are the italian departments and they are less good others.
In Italy, the citizens, have no real perception of what happened with the violation of the computer systems of a private company that provides "services" in many countries. If he had spoken for example, a company that dealt with unwinding of data from cameras, on behalf of a municipal police, maybe it would be all hell broke loose, "there is a penalty for data processed by persons who have not the qualification of PG ", etc.
This is about (according to what we can read on-line) control devices that are not only computers but also smartphone or tablet. Check is not just observe or acquire it also means blocking, use, write, erase and then act on behalf of the user! Imagine if someone could deposit files whose detention is prohibited and prosecuted by law such as child abuse images ... or if you think the device of the subject X involved in proceedings, infected with this malware until a month ago to the unknown Most software, was polluted with material overwhelming.
On Monday, Triage attended a lecture that was held at Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI). The object of the lecture was the threat posed by global jihad and its general purpose was to answer questions like “how big this threat is?”, “which countries are in danger?”, “what are the implication for Italian foreign policy and Italian defence and security?”. These questions are thoroughly answered in a report entitled “L’Italia e la minaccia jihadista. Quale politica estera?” edited by the ISPI Observatory on Terrorism.
The web is bouncing this piece of news: Italian warships, included the amphibious vessel San Giorgio, left Italy and are now moving toward Libya.
Theoretically speaking, the purpose is to carry out a military exercise known as operation Mare Aperto, which has been performed since early ‘90es.
It could be argued that some kind of “shadow objective” is to simply “show the muscles” given the chaotic situation in Libya, quite a common practice as proved, for example, by NATO’s drills in the Baltic republics, by Russian exercises behind Ukrainian border and by Turkish or Greek exercises in the Aegean Sea.
Following some alarmism appeared on the net about phantom rains missiles on Sicily by ISIS we feel obliged to deny this possibility, unfortunately revived by newspapers are very popular in our country; report a "confirms a suspicion" of the genre can generate fear and fear among the population as well as rekindle old feelings in veterans dormant.