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Since US President Joe Biden came into the White House, there have been serious attempts to kick-start the stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace initiative. There is no doubt that with Benjamin Netanyahu no longer Prime Minister of Israel, the Americans have a much better chance at getting things moving.

In the meantime, political activism amongst three protagonists in Egypt, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority has been pushing the issue. The leaders of Egypt, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority even held a trilateral summit in Cairo to discuss ways of reviving the peace process between the Palestinians and the Israelis.

Published in Middle East

Armi turche in Libia, violato l’embargo Onu

Saturday, 29 February 2020 23:03

Continua su più fronti l’audace linea politica estera della Turchia nel Mediterraneo. Il fronte che più ci interessa è quello dello scacchiere libico che per tante ragioni sta a cuore all’Italia. La Turchia incurante delle decisioni prese alla conferenza di Berlino, ha continuato e continua tutt’ora a fornire di armi l’esercito di Sarraj.

È delle ultime ore la notizia che la polizia italiana ha fermato una nave nel porto di Genova e che il comandante sia stato arrestato perché accusato di traffico internazionale di armi. Un testimone, componente dell’equipaggio, avrebbe fatto verbalizzare che la nave, che secondo i documenti ufficiali doveva trasportare automobili, in realtà durante una parte del suo viaggio ha trasportato e consegnato armi e attrezzatura dalla Turchia alla Libia.

Published in Africa

Si sta tenendo in questi giorni, a New York la 74a sessione dell’Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite, a cui partecipano i più importanti leader mondiali. Tra loro anche la delegazione emiratina guidata dallo sceicco Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan ministro degli affari esteri e della cooperazione internazionale.

A margine dell’Assemblea generale S.A. Sceicco Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, ha tenuto una serie di incontri chiave con i ministri degli esteri partecipanti per riesaminare le modalità di promozione delle relazioni degli Emirati Arabi Uniti con i rispettivi paesi, nell’ottica di politiche comuni per la risoluzione di problemi comuni.

Published in Middle East

Libia: un futuro sempre più incerto

Sunday, 14 April 2019 18:13

Le posizioni di Italia e Francia sulla crisi libica sono ancora distanti: mentre Roma ha pubblicamente preso le distanze dalla campagna militare di Haftar già dal 2014, Parigi non ha esitato a sostenere il feldmaresciallo negli scorsi anni. 

Published in Africa

Libya: final text of peace deal is now ready

Tuesday, 22 September 2015 20:05

After month of stalled negotiations, UN efforts aimed at creating a Government of National Accord in Libya might bear fruit:  an Agreement is now ready and the warring parties (Tripoli and Tobruk governments) might sign it this fall.

Published in Africa

Internal Affairs and Immigration

Tuesday, 22 September 2015 00:47

Criminal organizations that traffic in human beings from North Africa, Syria and other countries with no economic and social stability have slowly changed the techniques of management of migration flows.

For about a month, in fact, they have opened their market sad to small entrepreneurs, traders and ordinary citizens who dream of making money on the skin of thousands of people who flee their countries.

In particular, the Syrian refugees who have chosen the corridor turkish from Bodrum takes them to the island of Kos and then in Europe, this new route has developed a thriving market for inflatable boats, life jackets, marine equipment of various kinds, watertight containers for food and electronic means; in short, everything you need for a journey of a few miles, you reach Kos from Bodrum in about an hour's sail at a speed of 15 \ 18 knots.

Published in Europe

The endless massacre

Tuesday, 18 August 2015 13:04

Libyan militias continue unabated to take on immigrants with the inevitable unbearable number of victims. Certainly every crossing captures all the inherent risk of having accidents but the current situation is declined now, with a disproportionate number of deaths in each trip.

Published in Africa


Saturday, 04 October 2014 13:34

The Libyan internal divisions are increasingly reflected on the main power centres. As expected, the political and commercial interests follow routes laid down by ethnic, religious and tribal fragmentation fueling persistent struggles for the hoarding of resources and the division of power. Today Libya is basically divided into two major blocs, one of which (the islamist bloc) is composed of the forces engaged in the Opertion Dawn, The General National Congress (GNC) and other militias from the city of Misurata, in the north-west of country.


Published in Africa


Friday, 03 October 2014 09:56

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his last speech to the UN, described the Islamic state, Iran and the militant group Hamas which controls the Gaza Strip as a single team, adding that the Nazis believed in a master race to which all other races would have to submit the same way the Islamists believe that their faith should be imposed on all other faiths. 

Published in Middle East


Thursday, 25 September 2014 17:26

“There can be no reasoning, no negotiation, with this brand of evil. The only language understood by killers like this is the language of force”[1]. With these words US President Barack Obama addressed the 69th UN General Assembly while talking about Islamic State issue adding that “the United States of America will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death”[2].

Published in Europe
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