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Civil war clouds are gathering above Central African Republic (CAR), a “lawless” country, where the number of clashes between Christians and Muslims is increasing, where armed groups have been accused of atrocities against civil population (including killings, burning villages and child soldiers conscription). That’s the alarm bell that was stressed by the United Nation in late November. 

The African Union has already deployed 2500 peacekeepers in order to keep under control Central African Republic political and social instability.

Understanding the risk of a sudden escalation, France reacted quickly: on 26 of November, French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian announced that 1000 soldiers are going to be sent to the Republic to support the 420 French troops already deployed in the Country. Such mission has been approved by United Nation Security Council that voted in its favour on December the 5th. Le Drian rightly asserted that Central African state structure is «in collapse and we cannot have a country fall apart like that» because if that happens it would generate «massacres and humanitarian chaos». 

Of course, being a French former colony, Central African Republic is considered as a strategic and key country in Africa by Paris, concept that is made clear in 2013 Defence and National Security White Paper. A great segment of CAR economy relies on import-export relationships with Paris; furthermore, because of the presence of gold, uranium, diamonds and other minerals fields, CAR play also a key role in terms of natural resources.  That’s also why France hasn’t wasted any time. 

Anyway, the whole international community should pay a great attention to what is happening within the African Republic. That’s because failing state backlashes won’t involve France and African neighbouring countries only: in such a globalized word they can broadly effects political, social and economic relations. Moreover, by observing recent crisis (Somalia’s one, for instance) both the European Union and the UN have been considering failing and collapsing State risk as one of the most dangerous threats to international peace and security. According to well proved geopolitical theories, from failing and collapsing State can burst out civil wars, devastating economic crisis and human right violations; at the same time scenarios of that kind also become fertile environment both for organized crime and terrorist groups. Thus, it’s quite clear that our world can’t stand another such kind of a crisis.

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Alessandro Mazzilli

Degree in International Relations at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Turin.

Expert in Foreign Policy of Defence and Security and the relationships Euro - Atlantic.

Geopolitical analyst.

Consultant Services Stuarding and security checks.


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