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The stabilization of Libya

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Right now a standard peacekeeping mission is useless if not negative for the stabilization of Libya. The problem today is the emulation Isis and the lack of a strong government recognized by all to put the economy. Then you have to facilitate the solution of these two problems with intelligence activities. An intervention on the ground classic coalition would create chaos and lead the tribes are not aligned to counter the Europeans would witness then to suicide bombings and reprisals different. A true gift to Daesh.

What should be done then in Libya? 

Given that we will publish an article dedicated to this issue, the first thing to do is definitely the one to unite the tribes against Daesh and this can only do the intelligence. They have to organize a conference of internal coalition, perhaps in Cairo and establish a federal government of national unity; consequently proceed to attack infiltrated Daesh sifting through every street and house, destroying the threat: start then a strong media propaganda about the defeats inflicted on Daesh. Finally will be restarted oil extraction with housing development interests. 

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Claudio Sciarma

Degree in Investigation and Security Sciences cum laude. He developed a thesis in collaboration with Ra.C.I.S. of Rome and the company Leica Geosystems on the reconstruction of the crime scene using the laser scanner. 

Master degree in Social Research for Internal and External Security developing a thesis called "investigate with search engine - Google as mean of business intelligence"

Postgraduate master degree in Security Languages.

Certificate of arab language and culture at the Foreign Languages School of the Italian Army.

Intelligence analyst.

Webmaster, webdesigner and expert SEO. Specialized in telecommunication fraud detection, he worked with the GAO of the Italian Finance Police. Expert in P.P.A. (advanced personal protection), terrorist attacks analysis, international security, transport security, events planning, personal protection devices analysis. Volunteer in the Italian Army (2010-2012), assigned to the Foreign Languages School of the Italian Army. 

Founding member of the Italian Association of Investigation and Security Sciences.

Codirector of the monthly magazine on line "ConVincere".




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