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Libya: final text of peace deal is now ready

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After month of stalled negotiations, UN efforts aimed at creating a Government of National Accord in Libya might bear fruit:  an Agreement is now ready and the warring parties (Tripoli and Tobruk governments) might sign it this fall.

On September 21, Bernardino Leon, Special Representatives of the Secretary-General for Libya, declared in a press conference: "In every process, in every negotiation there is a moment in which we have to declare that the job is done. And what I am coming to say tonight is that we finished our work. We have now a text that is the final text. So, our part of the process is now finished. Now it is up to the parties, up to the participants in the dialogue to react to this text" (source: UNSMIL).

As explained by Leon himself during a press conference on the latest draft document last June, the agreement "provides a vision of the interim institutional architecture and security arrangements that will underpin the remainder of the transitional period. It focuses on providing these institutions with the capacity and tools they need to govern effectively while ensuring they remain bound by democratic principles, the separation of powers, and appropriate checks and balances" (source: UNSMIL).

Two of the new government’s highest priorities, as stated in The Libyan Political Agreement (8 June 2015), would be "ending the armed conflict in Libya, confronting terrorist threats and stabilizing security in the Country" (Security Arrangements – Art. 37.1) and introducing a "comprehensive and permanent ceasefire [that] shall enter into force […] as of the date of the signing of this Agreement" (Art.41.1).

The parties are expected to resume a political dialogue and sign the Agreement by October 20.

The international community (especially European states) needs a “single-faced” Libya and has been supporting UN diplomatic mission since, in ideal terms, a Government of National Accord is seen as the only political actor able to face internal threats (such as Daesh presence within national borders) and the one who can be talked to (for example, regarding the migration issue). However, there are no guaranties that things will actually work out this way. Even if both parties signed the Agreement, an armed confrontation might burst out again. The next few months will say much about how successful this plan could be in the short-medium term.

Alessandro Mazzilli

Degree in International Relations at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Turin.

Expert in Foreign Policy of Defence and Security and the relationships Euro - Atlantic.

Geopolitical analyst.

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