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Internal Affairs and Immigration

Tuesday, 22 September 2015 00:47

Criminal organizations that traffic in human beings from North Africa, Syria and other countries with no economic and social stability have slowly changed the techniques of management of migration flows.

For about a month, in fact, they have opened their market sad to small entrepreneurs, traders and ordinary citizens who dream of making money on the skin of thousands of people who flee their countries.

In particular, the Syrian refugees who have chosen the corridor turkish from Bodrum takes them to the island of Kos and then in Europe, this new route has developed a thriving market for inflatable boats, life jackets, marine equipment of various kinds, watertight containers for food and electronic means; in short, everything you need for a journey of a few miles, you reach Kos from Bodrum in about an hour's sail at a speed of 15 \ 18 knots.

Published in Europe

Women Yazide sex slaves

Thursday, 06 August 2015 18:19

The deputy Iraqi Yazidi Vian Dakhil denounced the kidnapping and sale as sex slaves by Daesh of about three thousand women, girls and children of the Yazidi religious minority in guilty silence of the US and EU.

The mass kidnapping took place in the northwest of Iraq especially in the city of Sinjar some months ago, but just now talked about openly.

Published in Middle East

Tsipras asked no to square

Saturday, 04 July 2015 22:17

The referendum question on Sunday is not obvious as it seems in favor of the greek prime minister. Greece production has decisively turned away from Tsipras that in fact has never loved in a special way. Traders, small and medium entrepreneurs together oligarchy shipowners July 5 will vote "Nai" is "yes" in greek, because they want to remain firmly bound to the Euro and Europe. This week in the television debates has highlighted the great fear of the jump in the dark in case of a possible victory of the no, traders have considered absolutely negative to the total isolation that could materialize with the exit of Greece from the euro.

Published in Europe


Thursday, 25 June 2015 17:36

The French daily Liberation published on its website that the NSA National Security Agency in the United States would have spied from 2006 French presidents Jacques Chirac, Nicolas Sarkozy and Francois Hollande, President Hollande to date, as well as the French ministers and the French ambassador in the United States. Wikileaks source.
These latest revelations concerning espionage between the West allies comes after it emerged that the NSA had spied on Germany, and the German BND intelligence agency would cooperate with the NSA to spy on officials of major European companies.
The documents published by Wikileaks include summaries of conversations between officials of the French government regarding the global financial crisis and the future of the European Union, the relationship between the administration and the government Hollande Merkel, French efforts to determine the composition of the management staff of the United Nations.

Published in North America


Thursday, 18 June 2015 21:40

We have arrived at a critical moment about the interests of Europe and the United States in Ukraine.

The annexation of the Crimea to Russia and the occupation of the Donbass, have irrevocably altered the delicate balance of power in Ukraine at both regional and national level is the relative balance among the most powerful oligarchs in the country.

Ukrainians seem to have little confidence in the current constellation of political leaders and their promises.

For over 25 years the United States has supported the Ukraine on the basis of common values and interests.

Published in Europe


Wednesday, 20 May 2015 23:02

Obama changes course and will intensify in the coming months in Syria, Yemen and Iraq the use of drones.

The need to transform the drones by unseen eyes in vehicles direct attack unfolds with the difficulty of exerting serious efforts to combat Islamic terrorism and intelligence with minimal sending men on the ground.

So far the United States has used the vehicle "Predator RQ1" equipped with high-definition cameras and special sensors to collect data and images arming means only in extreme cases with missiles land AGM (Air to Ground) anti-radar.

Published in North America

American axis without America

Monday, 02 March 2015 10:59

It would have been very difficult to predict a day when countries in the region which have been historically aligned with the US would find themselves under greater threat as a result of the ambiguity, confusion and contradictions in US policy around the so-called war on terrorism. While many countries are upgrading their national security and preparing for regional cross-border terrorism, US policy appears to be indifferent to the current risk of escalation on many fronts.

Published in Middle East

The way Netanyahu appeared during Paris march against terrorism shows the desire of the Israeli Prime Minister to change the recent American and European pressure that Netanyahu is suffering from his role in derail Kerry’s peace proposal, refusal to stop the settlements etc. suddenly Paris attacks turned to be a manifestation of an anti-Semitism, and Jews of Europe became the main target of these attacks.

Published in Europe

The United States will recognize vulnerable

Monday, 12 January 2015 20:04

The US fear a Cyber Pearl Harbor. Gen. Martin Dempsey current Chief of the US Joint Forces declares that although the United States is considered a military superpower, that statement can not be extended to the field cyber. An attack that may be off the critical infrastructures, would be disruptive enough to cripple the country.

Published in North America

A political solution for Syria?

Monday, 15 December 2014 10:20

The Russians have lately had a dynamic and innovative diplomacy, leaning towards finding a political solution to the Syrian crisis. With the regional priorities shifting from political resolution to combating terrorism, the Russians are alone in this pursuit.

Published in Middle East


Eversione e Terrorismo


Risorse Energetiche

Cyber Warfare

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