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Perplexing American policy

Thursday, 11 December 2014 17:13

Several months ago, the US Secretary of State, John Kerry’s stated aim was achieving a peace deal between Israelis and Palestinians, at the time, seemingly disregarding the need to deal with the situation in Syria. Interestingly, Kerry’s recent visit to Jordan highlights the extent to which priorities have shifted from achieving a framework for peace to desperately working to prevent a security collapse in Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Published in North America

Europe faces challenging waves of terrorism

Tuesday, 09 December 2014 00:00

With the list of countries targeted by terrorism growing, we are starting to see an impact on the internal policies of various other countries also impacted. Concern is particularly growing in Europe as a result of the level of involvement many of its citizens and residents have in these terrorist groups.

Published in Middle East


Wednesday, 29 October 2014 21:34

The largest oil refinery in Iraq is under siege from June this year. 

On Wednesday the Iraqi military unleashed an offensive up to about 2 km from the city of Baijii in order to regain the largest oil refinery in the country besieged by militants of the Islamic state. 

Published in Middle East


Thursday, 16 October 2014 20:44

The Secretary of State John Kerry and the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov have reached an agreement, despite the crisis in Ukraine, for an increase of common intelligence about militants ISIS, putting aside brouhaha, focusing on a common enemy. 

Speaking in Paris with his Russian counterpart, Kerry said that the two world powers despite the new "Cold War", due to the role played by Russia in Ukraine, have found ways to work together on global issues although there are large differences in a number of areas. 

Published in North America


Thursday, 25 September 2014 17:26

“There can be no reasoning, no negotiation, with this brand of evil. The only language understood by killers like this is the language of force”[1]. With these words US President Barack Obama addressed the 69th UN General Assembly while talking about Islamic State issue adding that “the United States of America will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death”[2].

Published in Europe

Truce and penalties

Sunday, 14 September 2014 12:57

Despite the ceasefire in place between the Kremlin and Ukraine, the United States and the EU to impose heavy penalties Putin. This time they were impressed with the interests of all of the closest collaborators of the Russian Prime Minister that in addition to being the oligarchs who run almost all the resources of the country have also held political weight. The Russian economy is in fact based on a methodology in which post-capitalist politicians are also entrepreneurs and managers by superimposing their own interests to those of the party running in this way strategic decisions with greater speed without any opposition both inside and outside in essence a sort of economic monarchy. 

Published in Europe

United States president Barak Obama authorised airstrike in Iraq against Islamic State (IS) Sunni jihadist militias. There are no doubts that US intervention could make a difference, but the real question is: by how much?

Published in Middle East


Wednesday, 21 May 2014 22:45

Anonymous sources in Nigeria said they had had contact with European governments and not for the search of the kidnapped girls from neighboring groups to Boko Haram .

In particular, the U.S., Britain and France have already sent in the area affected military specialists , investigators and former military elite units now used for their previous experience in the liberation of the hostages.

Published in Africa


Tuesday, 22 April 2014 22:28

SAccording to Reuters news agency, at least 35 Al-Qaeda’s militants were killed in two UAV strikes (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) carried out on Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 in Yemen[1]. These new strikes are part of the ongoing campaign against international terrorism that the United States are managing in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. Washington hasn’t commented the fact yet but it is almost impossible to rule US involvement out: these attacks are likely to be the White House response to the AQAP (Al-Qaeda in the Arabic Peninsula) attempt to gather about 100 militants in Yemen as testified by a video broadcasted by the CNN[2].

Published in North America

It has been always quite clear that destroying Syrian chemical weapons would have been a difficult mission, but the current situation it's more complicated than expected. The first great problem burst out in  December when OPCW was looking for a way to destroy Assad's chemical armoury and no State nor private organization volunteered. Because of that and due to a short amount of available time, OPCW board was forced to solve the “crisis” going with a earlier set aside-option : destroying the chemical material in international waters in more than one step. The second huge problem revealed itself at the end of 2013 and it messed up OPCW schedule: according to their plan, the most dangerous part of Syrian chemical armoury should have been removed from Syrian territory by 31 December but they failed  because of bad weather condition and because of the never-ending clashes between Assad's troops and the rebel groups within the ongoing civil war. Now everything it's on move again but the premises aren't really bright.

Published in Middle East


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