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Thursday, 05 September 2013 20:39

President Obama is trying to convince, we have to wait at least until the middle of next week for the final vote, the Congress to support military action against Syria to punish President Bashar Al- Assad for ordering the killing of hundreds of people with toxic gas.

But what will the punishment consist of ? Military targets hit by U.S. missiles? Bombardment of the presidential palace in the style of Assad Regan bombed the palace of Gaddafi? Fixed targets , which could include airfields? For the moment, we know with certainty that the attack will not follow an operation "boots on ground".

Published in Middle East


Tuesday, 03 September 2013 20:22

Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and the Head of the Foreign Affairs Committees of the Iranian parliament Hossein Hosseini Naqavi have said in recent days that any Western attack on Syria would assign the right to react against Israel and U.S. bases in the Middle East.

 Russia and China said they would not accept any interventionist position and place his veto any UN resolution against Syria, in particular, the Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov has officially asked to open a discussion at the United Nations to assess the risks of global instability the area due to a hypothetical missile attack U.S. , in consideration of the fact that the evidence of the use of gas Sarin by Assad documentarily have not been presented.

Published in Middle East

The Syrian government denies that he gassed his own people and has vowed to defend themselves from attack Westerners.

The majority of the population until yesterday, in favor of foreign interventions, which now seem a reality begins to worry, nourishes the justified fear that in case of intervention there may be many victims among the civilian population.

Published in Middle East

On August 2, the U.S. State Department has launched a worldwide alert about the possibility of terrorist attacks from al Qaeda against U.S. personnel in the Middle East and North Africa. The "serious and credible threats" reached U.S. intelligence have led to the announcement of the closure on 4 August of diplomatic offices in 18 countries: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Kuwait, Libya, Jordan , Qatar, Mauritania, Oman, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Sudan and Yemen. Great Britain will similarly with the closure of the embassy in Yemen, as well as Germany and France.

Published in Middle East
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